World War I Overview


History (World War I) Note on World War I Overview, created by KittyG-S on 13/06/2013.
Note by KittyG-S, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by KittyG-S over 11 years ago

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What started out as a local European war soon became a global one, lasting from 1914-1917.

World War I was the first war to involve nations (28 to be exact) from around the world, and is commonly called The Great War or The War To End All Wars

The war divided Europe into two armed camps - on one side was the Triple Alliance (later Central Powers) - Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy - and the Triple Entente (later Allied Forces) - France, Russia and Britain. Soon, the whole of Europe was split.

On June 28th, 1914, a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip (part of the Black Hand Gang) assassinated Franz Ferdinand (not the band), the Archduke of Austria, in Sarajevo. Exactly one month later, Austro-Hungary declared war on Serbia.

Soldiers spent an average eight days in the trench, where they were constantly under threat of attack from shellfire, snipers and diseases. They experienced everything from Trench Fever (a painful infection caused by lice poop) to Trench Foot which caused a fungal foot infection possibly leading to amputation.

Most of the action took place in the trenches. They were dug deep into the ground in a zigzag pattern to protect soldiers from advancing enemies.

WWI was different from previous wars because of the efficient weapons: machine guns artillery tanks air force

Military operations began in three major areas in Europe - the western front (France/ Belgium), the eastern front (Russia) and the southern front (Serbia). Many of the deadliest battles happened in WWI, including: Ypres Vimy Ridge Somme Gallipoli

Although thousands of soldiers died during these battles, they were all successful turning points for the Allied Forces in helping therm win the First World War.

On October 3rd 1918, Germany requested a cease-fire. (Basically, they surrendered). The war ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, when they signed the Armistice and agreed to stop fighting.

Germany surrendered in October BUT the war was not officially over until November

Eastern front - RussiaWestern front - France/ BelgiumSouthern front - Serbia

28 nations were involved but America didn't get into it until 1916; how they were so rich to afford the Roaring 20s, because they didn't spend as much and none of their land was attacked.

Allied Forces = Triple Entente - Britain, France and RussiaCentral Powers = Triple Alliance - Germany, A.Hungary and Italy


The Basics


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