Snow White Stories


Grimms and the New York one
Note by eirabie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eirabie almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Synopsis: Once there was a queen who wished for a daughter with hair as dark as ebony, lips as red as blood and skin as white as snow. She got her wish but died soon after. The king married a new woman, beautiful yet very proud. She had a powerful mirror, whom she would ask who is the fairest of all, to which the mirror would reply that she was. However, Snow White was growing up to be more beautiful. One day the mirror replied that Snow White was most beautiful, so the queen ordered the huntsman to take her into the forest and kill her, bringing back her lung and liver. The huntsman took her but couldn't kill her because of her beauty, so he let her go, bringing back the organs of a young boar instead. Snow White ran until she came across a cottage. She eventually found out it was lived in by seven dwarves, who agreed to let her stay if she kept it maintained. Snow White agreed but the queen found out she wasn't dead, and tried to seek her own ways of killing her. Twice she failed, but with the help of a poison apple, Snow White appeared as to never awaken. The dwarves gave her a glass coffin above ground and one day, a prince arrived and happened to see her. The dwarves agreed to let him have her, and while his servants were taking the coffin to the castle, they tripped and the poison apple piece stuck in her throat came out. She awoke and the prince took her back to the palace where they happily married. The queen realized that Snow White wasn't dead, ended up at her castle and wore red hot iron slippers, dancing until she couldn't anymore.Key points: Snow White is around 7-years-old - her stepmother is frustrated and stuck with her as she couldn't marry her off yet This was a common situation in early times - people were uneasy over their fatherly romance with a new wife cannibalistic - The queen wants to eat her actual liver and lungs, wanting proof of her death and her power  Rhyme of the mirror appears all the way through the story - what she wants to hear vs. the truth, it's famous couplet that helps the storyteller remember his place, also helps the audience get involved Enchanted forest element Magical numbers - 7 dwarves, 3 times - the queen tried to kill her Pharmakon - poison and cure - the apple kills her but the magical properties preserve her and keep her alive Motif of glass case - locking a girl up until she's ready to be married Beauty - she just happened to be beautiful, didn't want it originally, opposite of the queen who should just accept that she's an old hag Lesson - Do not be so vain and get jealous over something you don't have and want. The reason the Disney movie appealed so much was because it was about the idea of someone being overly jealous of another.

Synopsis: There was a girl named Snow White who's mother was dead. She resided in New York city with her father, and one day her father remarried to the classiest dame in the city. She was actually Queen of the Underworld and liked to see herself in the New York Mirror. One day she read about Snow White in the paper and tried to get her bodyguard to kill her, but he couldn't. Snow White wandered until she entered a club with seven jazz-men. They felt sorry for her but only allowed her to stay if she worked. She sang and made the headlines once again. The stepmother found out and killed her with a poison cherry in a cocktail. New York was shocked and crowds of people watched her coffin go by. The jazz-men carried the coffin whne all of a sudden, they stumbled and Snow White reawakened. The cherry was gone. The first person she saw was the reporter and they fell in love, getting married with a big society wedding.Key Points: written in 1986, set in 1920 the important characteristics stay seven - 7 jazz-men want Snow white to work WITH them, not For them - TOGETHER Queen - looks into mirror vs. looking into newspaper for stories about her Underworld - truthfully the mafia, but the word adds a mythic element no kiss - shaking up of things to get the fruit out Same lesson - also added, eat the wrong thing and it'll get to you

Grimms - snow white

Snow White in new york

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