

Biology Note on Untitled, created by ridgeway.jeannet on 25/07/2013.
Note by ridgeway.jeannet, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ridgeway.jeannet about 11 years ago

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 There main components and functionsDigestive System:Main components are the Mouth, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and anusMain functions are food processing (digestion, ingestion, absorption, elimination) Circulatory System:  main components are the Heart, Blood Vessels, blood main functions are to distribute materials internally Respiratory System:  main components are the lungs, trachea, and other breathing tubes main functions are for gas exchange (uptake of oxygen, disposal, of carbon dioxide) Immune and Lymphatic System: main components are the bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, lymph vessels, white blood cells main functions are the bodies defense mechanisms (fighting infections and cancer) Excretory System: main components are the kidney, urinary bladder, ureters, and the urethra main function is to dispose of metabolic waist, regulation of osmotic balance in the blood Endocrine System:  main components are he pituitary, Thyroid, Pancreas, other hormones, secreting glandds main function is coordination of the body activities (such as digestion, metabolism) Reproductive System: main components are the ovaries, testies, ands associated organs main functions are reproduction Nervous System:  main components are the brain, Spinal cord, nerve sensory organs main functions are to coordinate the body activities, detection of stimuli, and  formulation of responses to them Integumentary System: main components are tthe skin and its derivatives (such as hair, claws,skin glands) main function is to protect against mechanical injuries, infection, drying out, and thermoregulation Skeletal System: Main components is the skeleton (bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments) main functions are mobility, protect internal organs, and support Muscular System: main components are the skeletal muscles main functions are for movement and locomotion 

The first process of digestion is called Ingestion (the mechanical process)  The stomach stores food and secretes gastric juices, which converts a meal into acid chyme The gastric juice secreted from the stomach contains Hydrochloric acid and the enzyme Pepsin When the enzyme pepsin is first secreted it is inactive, the mixture of the pepsin and the Hydrochloric acid, activates the pepsin and begins the digestion process Mucus within the stomach (along the lining) protects the stomach form the acid Food turns into a Bolus-Chyme hydrochloric plays a role as to liquify the food and unfold the proteins and kill bacteria that reaches past the intestines Carbohydrate Digestion:begins in the mouth, breaks into monosaccharides in the epithelium of the small intestineProtein Digestion:Begins in the stomach, breaks into amino acids in the Epithelium of the small intestineNucleic Acid Digestion:begins in the Lumen of the Small intestineFat Digestion:begins in the lumen of the small intestine  Hormones help coordinate the secretion of digestive juices into the alimentary canal all is coordinated through hormones, which work the same as the nervous system, only difference is that the nervous system works faster organs can secrete hormones without aid from the brain Leptin is a hormone secreted from fat cells to help regulate appetite  Small Intestinehas huge surface area, due to villi and microvili that are exposed to intestinal lumen fats get absorbed into the lumen first when food enters the small intestine, the pancreas sodium bicarbonate , nucleic digestion  Bile salts, made from the liver, used are used as a digestive product and old hemoglobin makes up most of your bile Bile is used as an emulsifier, which can interact with water and fat, breaking the food down into even smaller particles Large Intestinwhere most of the water is reabsorbed osmoregulation regulates solute concentrations and balance gain and loss of waterExcretion gets rid of metabolic waistFreshwater animals show adaptions that reduce water uptake to conserve solutes, while marine animals show adaptations that conserve water to reduce solutes

Animals are multicellular, heterotrophic Eukaryotes with tissues that develop from embryonic layers animal bodies are held together by structural proteins such as collagen (nervous and muscle tissue are unique to animals) most animals reproduce sexually with a diploid stage, usually dominating the life cycle after a sperm fertilizes the egg, the zygote undergoes cleavage, leading to form a blastula the blastula undergoes gastrulation, forming embryonic tissue layers and a gastrula many animals have at least one larval stage. A larva is sexually immature and morphologically distinct from the adult stage, it eventually goes through metamorphosis  All animals have hox genes in which regulate the development of body form what makes animals, animals: ingest food instead of decompose eukaryotic motile heterotrophic contains a body cavity (coelom) secrete extra cellular material (sponge: calcium, Jellyfish: gelatinous M.) Organisms like sponges dont have tissue. Cleavage special type of division, the cells get smaller while the surface area increases. The hollow space is called a blastoceal. Gastrulation is invagination of the organism. The two holes are used as ingestion.The opening is called a blasotpore. Once you are able to see the blastopore, its no longer called blastula is now considered a Gastrula. A differentiation in tissue occurs ad endoderm forms.Arthopods most abundant species on the planet. An embryonic form into larva (sexually immature organism) Morphologically distinct from the adult; it eventually undergoes metamorphosis. most animals have at least one larva stageHox Genes discovered in the late 70's  early 80's, their major regulatory genes. Organized in the genome of the animal. Highly conserved (lots of similarities between different species)Hox genes lay down the plan for growth or maturity.Animals come form a long linage of organisms that date back over a billion years ago. Believed that we evolved from a protists. (choanflagulate)The history of animals can be broken down up into periods. Paleonic (half a billion- a quarter of a million years ago) 540. million years ago, Cambian Explosion (explosion of life) Thought that Hox genes are responsible for this. Devonian (the age of fishes) the most diverse vertebrate are fish. Amphibian means 2 life most animals that live in water fertilize externally Reptiles are the first full time land vertebrae  During the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs dominated land. Invertebrates walked land first. Coral reefs began to emerge becoming niches for other organisms. Coral reefs have a lot of symbiotic relationships with organismsCenozoic is the period in which we live in now. Land plants, flowers and mammals, birds, insects become more diverseAnimals can be categorized by their symmetry in order to have the complexity, you have to form tissue. With tissue comes organization of the body plan.  radial symmetry means that the organism can be cut anywhere and both halves be identical  Bilateral meaning that the only identical halves are vertical cuts and not horizontal Being bilaterally symmetrical dorsal (top) Ventral (bottom) Right and left Anterior (head) Posterior (Tail) Cephalization; development of the head most organisms put there head into the environment first because that is where most of your nervous system attaches toAdult tissue come from germ layer tissue. The ectoderm ultimately develops into skin and nervous system not the best system to tell you when something is internally wrong.Endoderm is the innermost germ layer, organisms with two layers are diploblastic, and three are triploblasticIn triploblastic animals, a body cavity may be absent or present. A true coelom is derived from the mesoderm.Coelomates are considered to be more complex than pseudo coelomates or a coelomates (flatworm) which has no body cavityProtosomes which mean that the mouth is developed first, development is considered to be less on the complex side. Cleavage is spiral and determinate. Humans are deutrosomes which mean that they develop anus first and the cells are not determined. Also cleavage is radial.points of agreementscommon ancestry are shared among animals sponges are basal animals Eumatozoa is true tissued animals  most animals are bilateral vertebrae and some other phyla are vertebrates   list of grades Notochord Brain Head Vertebrae Jaws (Mineralizing Skeleton) Lungs Lobed FIns Legs Amniotic Eggs CHORDATA      human phylum (Vertebrae is a subphylum) all Vertebrates are Chordata, but not all chordata are vertebrates. Have notochord (gelatinous brain structure), dorsal, and ventral side. on the dorsal of all chordates are a nerve chord, could be filled with fluid. (Echinoderms are more closely related to humans because they are deutrosomes) Pharyngeal slits or Clefts, and muscular post- annual tails.NOTOCHORD     Longitudinal, flexible rod more of mesodermal structure, serves as a muscular system. Between the digestive tube and nerve cordBRAIN     Tunicate         lacking a brain, only have the notochord during the larva stage, sassile, operates like a sponge  in a way     Craiantes          Chordates that have heads share characteristics such as skull, brain, eyes, and other sensory organs located by the brain. Develop from the neural crest cells, evolved as least 530 million years ago during the cambrian explosion.Vertebrates       about 52,000 kinds of vertebrates. Lamprey is the oldest living limb-rage of the vertebrates Jaw     Mouth parts originated from the mineralization. The vertebral skeleton became mineralized much later. Gnathosome have true jaws evolved from skeletal support from the pharyngeal sit. enhanced sensory systems, including the lateral line system (found in fish), pared appendages, the extensively mineralized endoskeleton. Two groups of fishes that  are categorized as partially minerals and fully, would be sharks.The two types fishes  are Cartilaginous and (boney) Osteocytes The only difference between the two are the mineralized skeleton(boney)They have air sacs on the side that allows them to float called swim bladder.fish breathe by moving the water over their gills in chambers covered by a boney flap' operculumAbsolute most diversity about 400 million years agoBiggest group of boney fish are Ray-finned fish simply because of the way their fins are shapedThere are fishes (shack heads) who have "lungs" in a sense becuase they could go to the surface and breath in air and use that for respirationLobed fins look more like armm most likely evolved so these bottom dwellers can move around without having to swimAmphibians represent a group that has legs. Tetropods categorized because they have 4 legs. Ears for detecting air bourn soundsIn one lineage lobe fins become more relatively limb-like structurallyAmphibians are very sensitive species, they have thin skin and use their skin as respiratory station, meaning they dont have much resistance to drying out. Amphibian means two livesAmniotic Eggs   all of the "metamorphosis" happens in an egg or in the matter for protection, to insure developmentAmniotes are a group of heptopods whose living member are reptiles, birds, and mammalsReptiles   Able to live on land for a whileMammalian Clade

Organ Systems



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