Work essay


Work essay
Andrea Lladro
Note by Andrea Lladro, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Lladro
Created by Andrea Lladro over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

For example, those who earn their living in the hospitality industry (=hotel industry) in the US depend largely on tips from customers to make ends meet.   These days, many young job seekers negotiate for better fringe benefits and perks such as (=for instance) comprehensive (=complete) medical insurance as opposed to (=in contrast to) a higher base salary on account of (=on grounds of =due to = in consideration of) the increasing costs of healthcare.    Many companies offer their personnel attractive perks (=fringe benefits) such as time off, extended maternity leave, or results-based bonuses as an incentive to increase their productivity.    Economic downturns tend to hurt wage earners (= trabajadores por cuenta ajena Not self-employed=autónomos) more than professionals, who are more likely to hold secure positions. In a seniority (=antiquity) system, the last hires are usually the first to be laid off (to be dismissed, fired, discharged, =to be made redundant) when cuts need to be made.    Concurrently (=simultaneously, in paralell, alongside) the highest earners are often made redundant (=laid off = dismissed=fired = discharged) and offered early retirement with attractive severance packages/ severance pay = indemnización por despido.             

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