Geography - Population - Case Study - Kerala


Note on Geography - Population - Case Study - Kerala, created by Grace Evans on 10/01/2015.
Grace Evans
Note by Grace Evans, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Evans
Created by Grace Evans over 9 years ago

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Case Study - Kerala's Development Based Birth Control Approach

Background to Kerala Kerala is a state in the south-west region of India. It is quite a poor state with a very low average income. The state is quite densely populated with a small wealth gap. There are no big cities as Kerala is in rural India meaning there is an even population spread. These factors make Kerala an ideal place to lead this approach

The Approach The idea behind the approach is to try to speed up development to reach a later stage of the DTM This was done by improving the overall education of the population, especially women, creating a very literate society. Also a lot of communist style policies were introduced

What was doneEducation Improving education standards for women and girls from a young age Providing adult literacy classes Education people on the benefits of smaller families Encouraging a higher age of marriage

Success Highest life expectancy, lowest infant mortality (12 out of 1000 compared to 65 out of 1000 in the rest of India), lowest fertility rate (1.8 compared to 3.1 in the rest of India) and a declining rate of population growth . Slower population growth rate, a higher quality of life and GDP/capita ($2,950) than the rest of India The women are much better educated than the rest of India meaning that they can understand better the needs of their children and families. For example they can read leaflets, ask for vaccinations etc. There is much better family planning, as women understand about contraception and sterilisation. People also understand that they can only afford a few children which leads to small family norms As woman are educated they are of a higher state, many go to university and get good jobs eg doctors, nurses, teachers. This means women are not just at home having children

Health Care Improved healthcare service means there is a low infant mortality rate, reducing the need for extra children. Improved children's health through vaccination programs Free contraception and advice to encourage women to take control  of their family planning

Incentives Allow paid maternity leave for the first 2 children only Extra retirement benefits for those with smaller families

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