Created by Oxana Kostina
about 10 years ago
Problem = difficulty= obstacle toverb + problem to create / to cause / to lead to / to pose / to represent problemto tackle / to discuss / to address / to solve / to overcome problemto aggravate / to exacerbate (fml) problemproblem + verbproblem arise / occur / come upadjective + problemmajor / serious / particular / insoluble / insurmountable problemnoun +problemsolution to / approach to / answer to problemcause of / root of problemadjective + prep + problemaware of problemdue to problemapart from problem
Solution = answer = approach toadjective + solutionacceptable / only / obvious / simple / short-term / sensible / alternative / optimumverb + solutionfind / provide / offer /
-Urban Regeneration = Modernisation and Improvement of cities- how to discourage the use of private cars in the city centre how to attract people to city centresa plan to plant more trees = a tree-planting schemeto invest in (urban renewal) schemesto offer incentives / social and financial benefitshow to overcome the lack of housing in towns and cities- high-rise buildings vs single dwellings vs suburbs extension vs renovationhigh-rise buildings= tower blocksto fail their occupants / not to cater well for large numbers of families...well-designed / surrounded by green spaces /a range of faciclities on site / prove successfulencroach on / to lose the countrysideto increase the number of residential dwellingsto restore derelict buildings = to renovate empty propertiesthe city centre = the inner cityhouses= dwellingsrenew = renovate
Cultural heritageto preserve tha national heritage / to be part of our heritageto preserve / conserve / maintain / reconstruct historically significant houses...so that the houses will retain their characterpreserve historyresearch / investigate family historycreate a family treefeel connected to the pastancestors = forebears descendantsgenealogy - genealogicalmaintain a sense of identityMuseums+ key role in preserving and cataloguing what's fundumental+ provide pointers for the future+ give students a practical slant on subjects+ a highlight for tourists+ add to our understanding of+ for posterity (= for future generations)+ be in complete safety- a minority interest- a luxury we can't afford
Impersonal Introduction to a Fact or OpinionIt's often claimed that...It is generally /widely believed that...It's a well-known fact that...It's common knowledge that...It's a common / widely held / widespread beliefMany people believe that...Few people would dispute the fact that...All the evidence suggests that...There are several viewpoints that need to be consideredThe issue of... is undeniably important and needs to be addressed.Giving main pointsI would argue that it is unreasonable to expect governments to expend money on... when they have got more important things to invest inAn urgent priority is for the government to provide thraining for teachers..It has become clear in recent years, that.There is clearly scope for the governments to...Introducing the optionsI will discuss two priorities for the government's support of the cultural heritage in our communityI will discuss two possible approsches that could be taken / two possible actions that governments could focus on in order to....There exist various views on how the issue could be addressed, two of which will be considered in this essayGiving final opinionIn my view, it would be wise to prioritise ... first...must take / be given / have priority over... In my opinion, the most pressing priority is...... is the most obvious solution
The Art of Communication- how to improve contacts between neighboursto improve contacts = to encourage communicationCommunicate + nouncommunicate idea / message / meaning / feeling / informationCommunicate + adverbcommunicate directly / effectively / clearlyVerb + communicationto encourage / facilitate / improve communicationVerb + contactto make / to (re)establish / to maintain / to come into / to renew contact with
to invest in = to spend / to expend money on smth = to make investment inlarge-scale / considerable / major investmentto increase funding for / to allocate funds toincreased funding could attract...
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