7. People See Cues That Tell Them What To Do With An Object


Note on 7. People See Cues That Tell Them What To Do With An Object, created by Jessica Burgos on 20/01/2020.
Jessica Burgos
Note by Jessica Burgos, updated more than 1 year ago
Jessica Burgos
Created by Jessica Burgos about 5 years ago

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Affordances   James Gibson, the psychologist described affordances as "action possibilities" in the environment It is the property of an object that clearly defines how it should be used Some objects based on their size and shape shows you how to handle them.   How Does This Relate To Design? Think about affordance cues when you are designing For people to know what your object does and how to take action on it, make sure its easy to interpret and perceive. Ex. Designing a website and adding shadows behind buttons to show they are clickable and to be pushed in   Below are some examples of Affordances in objects and design:

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