Identify the causes, effects, events, and significant individuals associated with the Age of Exploration.
Separated into 3 parts Discovery refers to the era's advances in geographical knowledge and tech Reconnaissance preliminary exploration Expansion migration of Europeans to other parts of the world
Trade Europeans sought out to find a way around the middleman to deal directly with Asia European limited to trade across land and through middlemen, which heavily taxed the goods and increased their price to increase profits Stories about Christian Crusaders in the Middle East, India, China increased curiosity about the region's people, science/ tech advancements, and spices/ goods Renaissance & Reformation Renaissance prompted search for new knowledge and what lay beyond the shores of the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas Reformation motivated missionaries to search for new converts Political centralization (Spain, France, & England) government had more control of its resources to organize opportunities for traders to expand their markets Portugal's motivations Prince Henry the Navigator joined Portuguese attack on Ceuta in 1945 and returned to Portugal with spices, precious metals, opportunities to spread Christianity, and desire to expand Portugal's shipping reaches started a school devoted to navigation maritime revolution which led to creation of astrolabe and magnetic compass influenced Bartolomeu Dias passed the tip of Africa and Vasco da Gama sailed to India God, Gold, Glory God sought new converts for Christianity Gold limited economic and political choices led to desire to find commerce in other places Glory exploration for adventure
transfer of horses escaped horses from conquistadors in the South West formed large herds in the Great Plains Natives became experts on horseback which improved their hunting and trading capabilities European life expectancy and population increased as they gained access to new foods which contained essential vitamins growth of foreign trade developed Columbian Exchange Transfer of food, resources, and animals between Europe and the Americas as well as diseases, weapons, and people disease had most impact on population, significantly decreasing the Native population and as a result impacting labor Atlantic Slave Trade dwindling Native population caused Spanish and Portuguese to look elsewhere for labor advantages immunity to mosquitoes found in the Americas, making them resistant to the diseases they carried well-versed in farming on foreign land, slaves would have little chance to escape Triangular Trade System Africa--> America slaves America --> Europe coffee, sugar, tobacco Europe --> Africa funding to purchase slaves mercantilism system of economic regulations aimed at increasing the power of the state country needed to maintain a balance of trade with other countries required raw materials acquired in the colonies
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