Convicts etc. - created from Mind Map


Third Year Uni University Note on Convicts etc. - created from Mind Map, created by Meagan M on 03/10/2013.
Meagan M
Note by Meagan M, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Meagan M
Created by Meagan M about 11 years ago
Meagan M
Copied to Note by Meagan M about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Paragraph One The convicts were treated as slaves/prisoners. They had time restraints for their day. Sent to Australia to work as a punishment for crimes that had been conditioned. Forced to do hard labour. Rations. Made to work for the British government.

Paragraph Two Conditions in Australia were more productive than the conditions they faced in England. In gaol cells in England, overcrowded and riddled with disease. England had high levels of poverty. They had the ability to utilise their skills. They would not be so easily susceptible to hangings etc.

Paragraph Three The convicts were granted opportunities to redeem themselves in the eyes of society. They were often granted plots of land to cultivate and live on. After a certain period of time, they could be granted pardons or have the option to bring their families out to Australia. Enter text here

Convicts etc.

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