Essay Plan- Women and the vote


higher history Note on Essay Plan- Women and the vote, created by Julia falconer on 27/04/2015.
Julia falconer
Note by Julia falconer, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Nerhys over 9 years ago
Julia falconer
Copied by Julia falconer over 9 years ago

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1-Topic sentence: many historians believe that the suffragist’s movement had a great impact of women getting the vote.Mrs Fawcett (leader) joined female activists together to combine forces. Made them more powerful + influential = taken more seriously Carried out peaceful demonstrations in attempt to get vote for women e.g leaflets Majority were middle/upper class, had political friends in gov= influence politicians easier Martin pough “under the steady influence of the non-militant campaign” women were showing they were worth the vote. Influencing public opinion, creating awareness Two bills presented to parliament by 1908 On the other hand people did not believe that their peaceful methods worked. Opposed by many high profile people + organisations. Florence nightingale, mothers union Queen Victoria “let the women be what god intended, a helpmate for man, but with totally different duties.” 2-Topic sentence: The Suffragettes formed in 1903 lead by Mrs Pankhurst. Adapted a more forceful approach 1 July 1913 set fire to leuchars railway station People became annoyed, worried their property would be destroyed Put pressure on gov to stop acts of terrorism, position in parliament would be unlikely Gov put them in prison, went on hunger strike gained publicity +attention Force feeding+ C+M backfired on them. Public were sympathetic 2 Conciliation acts put forward to parliament On the other hand people believed that they went too far with their campaign of militancy and in turn they had ruined any chance of women getting the vote. Public were annoyed,irritated+ outraged by actions. Worked against them, ruined any possible support3 -Topic sentence: women were not allowed the same legal rights as men. Expected to do as their fathers and husbands told them Legally when a girl was married in 19th century all property, money and children became the husbands In 1870 law allowed women to keep income and property after they married In 1873 could claim custody of children under 16 following a marriage breakup Females allowed to enrol in some uni's following a change in society, and gained access to skilled professions In 1900 still not treated equally by the law, no equal opportunity in society. 4 - Topic sentence: WW1 offered women the opportunity to prove they were as good as men by doing mens jobs. Could of influenced parliament that women were worth the vote Martin pough “the war acted as an accelerator" Lib gov was replaced by coalition, diluted anti-suffarage views Just before war many mp’s had agreed thay women should be enfranchised 5 -Topic sentence: Foreign Examples put pressure on the British Government. Many other worldwide countries faced the issue of women's suffrage New Zeland was the first country to grant the right to vote to their female citizens, followed by Australia and Canada As Canada was one of Britain's colonies, and was giving women increased rights, the GB Government could not ignore this. These changes inspired women's suffrage campaigners in Britain to become more dedicated and passionate However, the Government did not take a great deal of notice of these examples and most politicians still held the view that women should not gain the right to vote

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