Part Two


Cognitive Science (Cog Sci Midterm One) Note on Part Two, created by emberwing on 09/10/2013.
Note by emberwing, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emberwing about 11 years ago

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You've seen those cop shows right, those wildly inaccurate ones that don't do justice to the mediocrity that is the justice system? Well turns out line up are mostly a thing of myth in that they're pretty shit in terms of coming up with a perp. People treat it like a multiple choice midterm exam and just kind of pick who looks the most like the face they MAYBE remember somewhat accurately.


If you think the mind holds semi decent records of things then you are WRONG motherfucker our perceptions are unstable as shit. We don't even do it on purpose how sad is that.False Memory is when people take suggestions made by an interrogator or something as actual memories. You would not BELIEVE how many people are in jail right now because of false implanted memories of abuse from well meaning therapists. Not a lot, granted, but those people exist.

Case Based Reasoning is this lil AI paradigm that reasons about what to do by looking at previous similar situations from memory. This is basically exactly what Si is from Jungs cognition theory.Anyway, how else are lawyers gonna defend their innocent serial killer without looking to see how other glorious bastards got away with it. Funny thing is they also use this program at help desks, so go figure.



The earliest AI's were for medicine and diagnosing shit. problem is that diagnosis is the FUN part of medicine and overall health- the thrill of the search, theories, ideas about just what the actual fuck is wrong with your patient. THATS the part way worth your time, no way are doctors EVER handing that off to machines. Thus, these AI's just kind of sit in a corner and collect dust

George Lakoff had this theory about how we think about abstract concepts as metaphors. This comes up in his book Moral Politics in comparing conservatives as strict parents and liberals as nurturing parents.

PERCEPTION: the process of interpreting and organizing sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world.From a COG SCI point of view this is more 'taking information in one form and turning it into meaningful representations.'

So we use our five sense to riddle out signals like light and chemicals and air waves to figure out sight and taste/smell and sound, right? Just some examples. We've got five sense in all that we can test and such, but again, these are prone to faultiness. Illusions man. Illusions. Funnily enough taking a look at how illusions fuck us up can tell us loads about how perception ACTUALLY works.

So there's actually a few theories on how sight works- EXTRAMISSION theory says we see through light coming out of our eyes AND light coming from the environment while INTROMISSION says it's just outside light.Either way light comes in and stimulates the rods and cones and the resulting into is translated into electricity and sent scurrying to the brain.

RODSAbout 100x more sensitive than cones, and they're also jumpy about peripheral movement, so they're the things that let you see the monster out of the corner of your eye.

CONESPussies when it comes to sensitivity, but they come in three types- short, medium, and long wavelengths, corresponding to blue, green, and red in that order. Predictably, they work better in light.

There's also concepts like DEPTH PERCEPTION (how far away shit is), PERSPECTIVE (smaller the farther away), OCCLUSION (when one thing is in front of another), TEXTURE, SHADING, SATURATION, FOCUS, MULTIPLE IMAGING (looking through binoculars.)






Sound waves vibrate the eardrums or bones. For the latter that's like underwater or hearing your own voice

Localization is done by looking at the differnce in input between the two ears, like how depth perception needs two eyes.


The sensors are in the skin.


This is a detection of chemicals. A lot of what we experience as taste is actually smell, hence the stuffy nose syndrome.




Taste buds last for a week or two before dying. They're also chemical detectors. Spicy foods actually light up pain sensors.


How you know where you are in space. The sensors are in your muscles and inner ear (vestibular system). This is also behind phantom limb.

ANALOGY is finding similarities in things. Like, a car to a face.It's possible analogy is the very core of cognition.

1. RETRIEVALFinding something in memory to make the analogy with2. MAPPINGFinding the correspondences between the two things3. ADAPTIONUsing and changing info from the one thing to learn about the other4. EVALUATIONDetermining if the analogy makes any sense whatsoever5. STORAGEIndexing the memory

Cog Sci in the Real World



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