7. The five kingdoms of living organisms


Life science (Topic 12: Biodiversity and Classification) Note on 7. The five kingdoms of living organisms, created by mossrobyn on 15/10/2013.
Note by mossrobyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mossrobyn almost 11 years ago

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Kingdom        Example                Body structure           Method of nutrition                     Method of reproduction1) Monera            1)  Bacteria                        1) Simple single-celled          1) Chemicals or sunlight or parasites          1) simple cell division                                  Cyano-bacteria                  prokaroytes2) Protista            2) Amoebas                        2) Simple single celled          2) Make own food or feed on other              2) Mostly asexual reproduction                                 Diatoms                              eukaryotes, sometimes         organisms                                                                             joined together3) Fungi             3) Mushrooms, yeast             3) Multicellular eukaryotes    3) Feed mostly on dead organisms.             3) reproduce sexually and asexually .                               Mold                                      with cell walls containing       and dead decaying matter,                          by means of spores.                                                                              chitin                                    some are parasites.4) Plantae           4) Trees, ferns, grass           4) Complex multicellular       4) Contains chlorophyll                                 4) Reproduce asexually by spores                                                                            eukaryotes with cell              make own food by                                        and sexually by male and female                                                                         . walls of cellulose                    Photosynthesis                                               gametes 5) Animalia       5) Fish, snakes, birds              5) Complex multicellular       5) Eat other organisms                                  5) Asexual reproduction in some groups                             and humans                             eukaryotes without                                                                                     sexual reproduction in others by male                                                                              cell walls                                                                                                     and female gametes.                                                                               

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