Bilateral Aid Case Study - Cahora Bassa Dam


Development Gap
Note by aedolphin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aedolphin over 9 years ago

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Bilateral Aid Case Study - Cahora Bassa Dam (Mazambique) was built by the Portugese in the 1960s, but civil war prevented completion of it. However, only 1% of the homes have a direct electricity supply, and this HEP scheme has not changed this amount by very much. Most of the power is sold to South Africa, which boosts the economy but does not benefit citizens. It could meet most of the counties power needs.On the whole, the dam has increase the economy of the country, but it could produce more that is currently does. Also, it does not benefit the citizens of the country. River flow is very low because water is being held in reservoirs. The local shrimp industry has been destroyed. The local residents have has their livelihoods destroyed and they have not gained at all from the projects

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