Key Stories and Themes Page 1 Page 2Google Docs has comprehension questions. Relate questions to themes and key stories. The following are examples from the Bible that fit under each theme. The relationship between a creator and his creation -- the implication of giving creation choice-The Fall (the serpent's temptation and the banishment from idyllic Eden)-While Moses took a long time at Mt. Sinai, the people began to worship an idol cast in the shape of a calf. Exodus 32 -The Israelites cast doubt upon Moses and has doubted God himself Exodus The origin of family dynamics and dysfunctionality -Cain and Abel (sibling rivalry) -polygamy (Jacob's relationship between Leah and Rachel) Genesis 29-30- favoritism = sibling rivalry Genesis 37-A woman's value is dependent on her ability to have children Genesis 30 -Jesus redefines family: anyone who does the will of God-- everyone is his brother and sister. Matthew 12 Creating a people and a society-Israelites doubt God while being enslaved in Egypt Power and redemption* -God shows his power by creating plagues against the Egyptians Exodus 7-11 -Jesus saves Peter from his sins. He asks Peter "Do you love me?" four times. Peter doesn't deny his love for Jesus even though he denied his relationship with him earlier on when Jesus was arrested. John 21 Sacrifice and blood-put the blood of sheep or goat on the sides and tops of door frames during Passover Exodus 12-Jesus is compared to a lamb. Lambs are sacrificial animals in the Jewish religious life and the sacrificial system. Jesus = the ultimate sacrifice John 1 The necessity of a savior -Moses (freeing the Israelites from Egypt, gave God's law)-Noah (built an ark during the Great Flood) Genesis 7-Jesus (gave the grace and truth of God) Relationship between God and humanity -in the midst of human wickedness, he creates the Great Flood Genesis 6-7-One of the two greatest commandments is to love God Matthew 22-Knowing Jesus is practically knowing his Father, God. John 14 -God = gardener; Jesus = true vine; followers = branches --> God can cut off the branches that bears no fruit. Branches can only bear fruit through the true vine. Matthew 15 *Redemption: the act of saving people from sin and evil
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