The present continuous.


Note on The present continuous., created by ketsia ange on 23/08/2015.
ketsia ange
Note by ketsia ange, updated more than 1 year ago
ketsia ange
Created by ketsia ange over 9 years ago
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Resource summary

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THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS To say what is happening now in spanish you have to use the present continuous.

Step 2.) Then you need the presnt participle. To form this you take the infinitve and get rid of the ending and then ad one of the following:Hablar ---> Habl ---> HablandoComer ---> Com ---> ComiendoVivir ---> Viv ---> Viviendo* THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE DOES NOT CHANGE AT ALL. ONLY THE CORRESPONDING PARTS OF ESTAR CHANGE.ESTAR IS NEVER SEPERATED FROM THE PRESNT PARTICIPLE. IF THE SENTENCE IS IN THE NEGATIVE THE "NO" GOES BEFORE BOTH PARTS - NO ESTAMOS JUGANDO - WE ARE NO PLAYING.

Step 1. ) Estar - to be.Estoy - I amEstan - You areEsta - He/She/It isEstamos - We areEastais - You (pl) areEstan - They are

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