First Day of Class


Early Evolution and Evidence of Evolution
Note by ajillianw, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ajillianw about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Heterotrophic Theory idea that early cells developed in an atmosphere with NO FREE OXYGEN CO2, H2, NH3, H2O (sulfur?) 1953 Miller & Urey CH4 NH3 H2 H20 continuous source of energy (heat) electric spark after 1 week 10-15% carbon is organic and 2% is in amino acid Criticismconstant energy source doesn't effectively mimic earth

Heterotrophic Theory idea that early cells developed in an atmosphere with NO FREE OXYGEN CO2, H2, NH3, H2O (sulfur?) 1953 Miller & Urey CH4 NH3 H2 H20 continuous source of energy (heat) electric spark after 1 week 10-15% carbon is organic and 2% is in amino acid Criticismconstant energy source doesn't effectively mimic earth

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