Created by samuel.ash.croft
over 9 years ago
Text in 6 Parts1 Common ProvisionsArt 1: Union founded on this treaty and on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union- Same legal value. AThe Union shall replace and succeed the European Community. REMEMBERArt 47 = EU has a legal personality---so all members and the EU can be full members of the council of Europe. EU has not yet joined (however agreement to do so est. in July 2011) Art 2: EU dounded on values of: respect for human dignity, freedom , democracy, equality, rule of law, and respect for human right---including for minoritiesArt3: Aims of the EU---- General promotion of peace, well being of its peoples, freedom of movement (no internal, controlled external borders) creation of internal market--> aim= full employment soial progress --> protection and improvement of the environment establishment of economic and monetary union= the euro. Promotion if its values while contributing to the eradication fo poverty , observing human rihts respecting the charter of the UN EU achieves objectives byy 'appropriate means' Art6: binds EU to charter of fundamental rights of the EU and the ECHRart 9: equality of EU citizens, every national of a member state = a citizen in addition to their national citizenship
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