The Rainforest - created from Mind Map


Note on The Rainforest - created from Mind Map, created by Mairi Robertson on 11/11/2013.
Mairi  Robertson
Note by Mairi Robertson, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mairi  Robertson
Created by Mairi Robertson almost 11 years ago
Mairi  Robertson
Copied to Note by Mairi Robertson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Social Subjects Research in groups one rainforest each - Geography. Climates - Exploring climates compared with us.

Health and Wellbeing Healthy foods which may come from plants and trees within the rainforest - Possibly a fruit tasting session - Could be followed by a sense poem linking to literacy. Run through the Jungle game - Children must act out a rainforest animal and avoid imaginary objects - PE and links to Drama. HWB 2-35b HWB 2-21a

RMEGroups of people who live in the rainforest - traditions, religions etc.

Literacy Conservation of the Rainforest - Write letters and create information leaflets to make people aware of rainforest conservation. Create a writing piece about school trip to zoo. Fruit tasting sense poem. Lit 2-20a Lit 2-22a Lit 2-23a Lit 2-22a Lit 2-23a Lit 2-24a

Maths Measuring rainfall - Graph making - Could incorporate outdoor learning - measuring our rainfall. Temperatures - Possibly compared with Scotland's tempreatures Problem Solving - If this many acres of the rainforest is destroyed in one year, how many acres will be left in 20 years? Research opportunities also. MNU 2-11b MNU 2-20a

Expressive Arts Art Music Drama Dance Create your own rainforest - use appropriate materials. Links to sciences. Creating animal masks. - Could be used in opera. Henri Rousseau's work on portraying rainforests - Use his techniques to create rainforest artwork. Turn the classroom into a rainforest - Could invite parents to take a tour and children are tour guides to show what they have learned. EXA 2-02a EXA 2-02a EXA 2-03a Slim McBride and the Lost Tribe (Scottish Opera). Use chart song and change the words to relate to the rainforest - Group work. EXA 2-17a EXA 2-17a Hot seating - People or animals who live in the rainforest. Run through the jungle - Explained in health and wellbeing. EXA 2-12a Rainforest animal dance - Slim McBride and the Lost Tribe - Also links with music. EXA 2-08a

Sciences The different layers of a rainforest - Forest floor, Understory, Canopy and Emergent Layer. Materials to make a rainforest. Why are trees important? - Dangers of chopping them down - opportunities for outdoor learning. Outdoor learning - Plants and plant adaptations - Provide venus fly trap plant. Animals - Possibly zoo visit to classify different animal types. SCN 2-02a SCN 2-02a SCN 2-14a SCN 2-02b SCN 2-01a

Technologies Research different animals of the rainforest - Create a presentation in groups. EXA 2-01a TCH 2-03b

The Rainforest

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