Nouns & Definite Articles Notes


Goes over 4 articles and has examples... There's a link at the bottom of the notes if you didn't notice. :-)
Selam H
Note by Selam H, updated more than 1 year ago
Selam H
Created by Selam H over 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (4)

Resource summary

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In Spanish there a 4 definite articles (all meaning "the.") This is different from English which has the used for both female, male, plural, and singular words: la  → feminine (singular) el → masculine (singular) las → feminine (plural) los → masculine (plural) In English, these are the definite articles: the an a some* *sometimes used

What is unique about Spanish is that not only is there feminine or masculine people, other nouns have genders as well. ends with -o → feminine  ends with -a → masculine ends with -e → both When making a noun plural, add -s if it already ends with a vowel. If it ends with a consonant, add -es.


los libros

la fruita

el ajedrez**doesn't end in -a, -o, and -e

las hamburguesas 

los animales

To say you like something add the verb gustar (like) and a definite article before the noun. To talk about a noun as a definite article and the noun. gusta → singular gustan→ plural  EXAMPLES: Me gustan las verduas.          I like vegetables. No me gusta la pasta.           I don't like pasta.

You must have the articles in sentences even when the word "the" isn't used.EXAMPLES:   El helado es delicioso.                Ice cream is delicious. Los animales son interesante.      Animals are interesting.

Quiz on Nouns & Definate

Spanish Notes

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