Importance of varicose veins specialist


The body is made up of various individual systems that interconnect and function as a whole. Due to the complexity of our body,
Irvin Kelley
Note by Irvin Kelley, updated more than 1 year ago
Irvin Kelley
Created by Irvin Kelley over 2 years ago

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The body is made up of various individual systems that interconnect and function as a whole. Due to the complexity of our body, medicine is organized into multiple areas of knowledge and action. For example, you know that cardiology is the field of medicine that studies the heart, nephrology, kidneys, neurology, the central nervous system and angiology?   The heart and intracranial arteries are excluded from this speciality. These conduits form a kind of network of pipes throughout the body, whose mission is to carry the oxygen and nutrients necessary for all the body cells into the blood and return the "dirty" blood to the heart.   These structures are living structures, so they can degenerate and become ill, affecting the organ to which they provide nutrients and the entire body. This speciality is very important since circulatory system problems are one of the main causes of mortality in the world.   What health problems does angiology treat?   The poor condition of the veins and arteries can lead to problems in the organs close to those that supply blood and produce a chain effect throughout the body. Varicose veins are the most frequent problem in the angiologist's office, and it is not just an aesthetic issue. Varicose veins can lead to other issues such as thrombosis, leg ulcers and even pulmonary embolisms.   Other important problems related to this speciality are myocardial infarctions, necrosis, strokes, hemiplegia, diabetic foot, chronic venous insufficiency, or aneurysms. However, angiology is not only based on the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions but also on their prevention since some important vascular risk factors are tobacco, hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes.   How does angiology work?   Varicose vein specialist called Angiologist. They work in the field of prevention through vascular examinations and Eco-Doppler to detect possible problems in time and avoid complications. These reviews are especially important in cases of people with risk factors and those over 55 years of age. This speciality has various forms of intervention regarding treatments, such as microsurgery or minimally invasive surgery, vascular laser, etc.   They have in our coverage this medical speciality and a comprehensive and high-quality medical chart so that our policyholders have all the means to control their health and act quickly and effectively.    How Much Does Varicose Vein Treatment Cost?   Varicose veins can occur with deep and superficial veins. Fortunately, most of the time, the insufficiency affects the superficial veins. Treatment for such veins involves the removal of the abnormal vein(s) and cost depends on types of varicose vein treatment. They use minimally invasive surgical procedures to treat varicose veins: the procedure is FDA approved and consists of heat to close the vein without removing it.   The procedure can be performed in an office setting using local anaesthesia and is considered minimally invasive. The cost of varicose vein treatment is usually covered by your health insurance (insurance). Contact them, and they will quickly confirm what your insurance company will cover and what costs will be covered by you. If your insurance does not fully cover your procedure, they offer to finance.     Article Source :

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