The Indian mutiny - 1857 - created from Mind Map


GCE 'O' Level History Note on The Indian mutiny - 1857 - created from Mind Map, created by meforis on 15/10/2015.
Note by meforis, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jakecampling about 9 years ago
Copied to Note by jakecampling about 9 years ago
Copied by meforis about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Causes Religion between caste contact on railways The new rifle cartridges had been greased with pork and beef fat Brahmins made up a large amount of the sepoys SPARK

Key Events 85 sepoys were court-martialled for refusing to use cartridges Mutineers declared the Mughal Emperor ruler of India The mutiny spread through Deli + North India 400 British people were tricked and then massacred

Consequences The British vicious revenge British to Indian ratio in the army was reduced to 3:1 More loyal Sikhs were recruited made Indians lick bloody buildings clean many were hanged whole villages were massacred Some were loaded into cannons and blown up

The Indian mutiny - 1857

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