Dual Sensory Loss


Dual Sensory Loss Note on Dual Sensory Loss, created by modesclass on 27/11/2013.
Note by modesclass, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by modesclass about 11 years ago

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Duel Sensory Loss, according to  deafblindinfo.org, is an individual who has a combination of both hearing and vision loss. There are various ways a person can be considered deaf blind. They can be congenitally deaf blind, this is where you are born with vision and hearing impairment. You can also be congenitally deaf and acquire vision loss, or congenitally blind and acquire hearing loss. Last you can be acquired deaf blind, and this is where you acquire both vision and hearing loss later in life. People with Usher Syndrome are individuals with  a genetic or inherited condition that affects hearing, vision and balance. The sight loss is caused by an eye condition known as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) which leads to a gradual and progressive reduction in vision."Deaf Blind Education." and Schools, What is Deaf Blindness?. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2013. " title="Link: http://www.deafblindinfo.org>">http://www.deafblindinfo.org>">http://www.deafblindinfo.org>.


There are many programs to help train for Dual Sensory Loss clients. You can attend workshops and classes. Real world is the best experience. Many Dual Sensory Loss people will inform you everyone is different. While it is great to go to the workshops and learn the proper technics, you will have to adjust your work style by each individual you work with, they will all have different needs and wants. You must be versatile.

Interpreter Role:- You will be in closer proximity with the deaf-blind person. You need to have good personal hygiene - You have to know all the different ways to communicate with a deaf-blind person such as:Tactile, Print on Palm, Tactile fingerspelling, Tracking. ect.-It is important research and meet with client, so you how to interpret properly for that client.-Having guiding skills is very important.There are certain ways you guide a deaf-blind person.

Recources:  http://www.rid.org/UserFiles/File/pdfs/Standard_Practice_Papers/Drafts_June_2006/Deaf-Blind_SPP(1).pdfhttp://www.deafblindinternational.org/publications_roles.html

Deaf blind individuals present a combination of vision loss and lack of hearing.  The combination can vary a great deal to the degree of either loss. About 50 percent of people in the deaf-blind community have Usher Syndrome. This is a genetic condition where a person is born deaf or hard of hearing, or with normal hearing, and loses his or her vision later on in life from retinitis pigmentosa (RP). There are three kinds of Usher Syndrome. If a person has Usher 1, she is born deaf, and starts to lose her vision usually in the teen years. If a person has Usher Syndrome 2, he is born hard of hearing and starts to lose his vision later on. With Usher 3, a person is usually born with normal vision and hearing, or with a mild hearing loss, and start to lose both senses later in life. Other common causes of deaf-blindness include birth trauma, optic nerve atrophy, cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, or diabetic retinopathy. Some people may be born with both hearing and visual impairments through birth trauma or rare causes such as CHARGE Syndrome or cortical visual impairment. Others may become deaf-blind through accidents or illnesses.http://www.aadb.org/FAQ/faq_DeafBlindness.html#cause



Interpreter Role


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