Ayer's Verificationism - created from Mind Map


A Levels Philosophy (Religious language) Note on Ayer's Verificationism - created from Mind Map, created by davieschloe7 on 30/11/2013.
Note by davieschloe7, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by TeenySweeney almost 11 years ago
Copied to Note by TeenySweeney almost 11 years ago
Copied by davieschloe7 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Verifyability in principle "There is life on Mars"Verifiable in PRINCIPLE, but we don't have the technology to find out in PRACTICE.

Practical verificationCan be tested in reality

Strong verificationObservation and experience...conclusively verified.

Weak Verification Observation and experience...probable. "All human beings are mortal"> We would need to kill every human being who lives and will live.> This is impossible, but we accept it as fact.

Language is only meaningful if it can be verified by sense observation.

Criticisms of Verificationism Verificationism is not verifiable God-talk is eschatologically verifiable Strong verification excludes many areas of knowledge What counts as evidence, exactly? Statements can be meaningful and unverifiable(Verifiable in principle but not falsifiable)(There is no sense observation available for historical facts) Swinburne: It excludes universal statements like 'water boils at 100 degrees" Swinburne: There are many areas of debate where getting people to agree on what counts as evidence would be the issue. Swinburne: Toys in a cupboard.(The toys only come out at night. Meaningful but unverifiable.) Schrodinger's cat(A radioactive particle could kill the cat at any time. If you open the box you could trigger it. You can't verify if the cat is dead or alive) John HickReligion is verifiable in principle, so it meets the conditions of verification.

Language is only meaningful if it is analytic or empirically verifiable.

The distinction between strong and weak is not a real distinction Weak verification allows meaning to everything and is therefore too liberal. Rejects putative (assuming) statements

Single experiencesAn experience, while it may not be describable, is verified by it's occurrence.Directly verifiable statementsA statement that is verifiable by observationIndirectly verifiable statementsThe statement cannot be verified by observation, but by supporting statements which can

Verificationism is not verifiable God-talk is eschatologically verifiable Strong verification excludes many areas of knowledge What counts as evidence, exactly? Statements can be meaningful and unverifiable God is verifiable in principle but not falsifiable There is no sense observation available for historical facts

SwinburneIt excludes universal statements like 'water boils at 100 degrees" There are many areas of debate where getting people to agree on what counts as evidence would be the issue.  Toys in a cupboard.(The toys only come out at night. Meaningful but unverifiable.)

John HickReligion is verifiable in principle, so it meets the conditions of verification. Schrodinger's cat(A radioactive particle could kill the cat at any time. If you open the box you could trigger it. You can't verify if the cat is dead or alive)

Ayer's Verificationism

Ayer's Second Edition


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