Back to School: A Guide to Starting with a Bang!


This student guide will help you start the new school year or semester with a bang!
Ligia Herbst
Note by Ligia Herbst, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by PatrickNoonan almost 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden almost 9 years ago
Ligia Herbst
Copied by Ligia Herbst almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

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Whenever I was returning to school or university after a break, and starting into a new year, I was always filled with this fire in my belly that this time I'll keep on top of things. What I found however was that after initially doing some great work this fire soon dissipated. Eventually I learned how to keep this fire burning all year long and how to study to the best of my abilities!We'll explore the importance of maintaining this mindset, of finding your underlying motivations for studying and how best to plan for the year ahead. There are plenty of tips and advice on how to effectively study.This guide is intended for those of you out there who also have this fire ( or want to have it!) and want to know how best to utilise this surge of proactivity. How to keep on top of things for the year ahead or how to re-ignite the fire once it goes out! This guide won't give you any silver bullet that will end procrastination, no magic formula that will help you cram for your exams in 24 hours. It will simply outlined some tried and tested techniques that when followed will greatly improve your study.

Benjamin Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, musician, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. So it's fair to say he was an intelligent guy.However his success didn't arise from any genetic superiority but rather from his mindset. He was insatiably curious, hard-working and industrious. More-so than that he had a get up and go attitude. He didn't wait to do something, he just did.'Well done is better than well said.' - Bejamin Franklin

Having a good study plan when starting out will make your life much easier. To counter-act the mice and men effect you should follow this simple steps when creating your timetable.Start off in-depth When creating your timetable there is no problem in making the first few weeks as in-depth as you can. However, you shouldn't put the effort into going as in-depth for later months. Map out the first 4 weeks in good detail but anything after that just have a general outline. As these dates come closer you will have a better understanding of your priorities and your study habits. These insights will help shape your timetable then.Set target datesMark in exam dates, due dates -- essentially any key dates that you have. These will help put your study in context and help you decide how to prioritise your study. You should also set some target dates for yourself. These could be anything like to have a full polished drafted of your essay due on a certain date or a day where you take stock of how much of your curriculum you've covered and which areas still need work. These dates will be personable to you and they can be anything!

Find your Motivation!Studying is never just about getting all A's on your report card. Yes, this is nice but you should always be aware why you want to get all A's.Do you want to go to University?Do you want to graduate top of your class?Do you want to ace a class so you can get your dream job?You need to find your motivation for studying and incorporate this into your mindset and your study plan. This will reinforce all the work you've done before.

Once you approach study in this vein then everything after that will be easier and make more sense. Having this mindset from the start will also sustain you throughout the year.Now, this is not to say that that there won't be days when the prospect of opening a book or studying a mind map will fill you with lethargic dread. This too happens! However, recognise this as a momentary blip.Having this mindset when it comes to studying will aid you greatly. This is not to say you shouldn't plan ( see the next page). But all too often people spend all their time and energy on creating the perfect timetable or tidying their desk instead of actually studying.This is the imperfect truth : that the best way to study is to actually study! Accept this fact. Incorporating this simple truth into your daily mindset will instil the idea that studying is something you want to do, not need to do!Be like Benjamin Franklin and get stuff done!What happens with many people is that they have one bad day, skip studying and then use the fact that they messed up to rationalise skipping more study the next day.Having the right mindset from the start will ensure you have the right fortitude to overcome these blips and continue studying well all year long.

Starting with a Bang!

Having the Right Mindset

The Importance of Planning

How to Keep the Feeling All Year LongHaving the right mindset and having a realistic and flexible timetable will definitely help you keep that fire alive all year long. However, you will also need more! The best way of keeping your zeal fro studying up throughout the year is to have clear and realistic goals of what you want to achieve.

Find your Motivation!Studying is never just about getting all A's on your report card. Yes, this is nice but you should always be aware why you want to get all A's.Do you want to go to University?Do you want to graduate top of your class?Do you want to ace a class so you can get your dream job?You need to find your motivation for studying and incorporate this into your mindset and your study plan. This will reinforce all the work you've done before.

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