Preparing for the ACT English test


Notes on preparing for ACT English
Sarah Egan
Note by Sarah Egan, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Egan
Created by Sarah Egan almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

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ELEMENTS OF EFFECTIVE WRITING TESTED ON THE ACT Usage/Mechanics Punctuation (10-15%). Includes conventions of internal and end-of-sentence punctuation, with emphasis on the relationship of punctuation to meaning (for example, avoiding ambiguity, indicating appositives). Grammar and Usage (15-20%). Tests agreement between subject and verb, between pronoun and antecedent, and between modifiers and the word modified; verb formation; pronoun case; formation of comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs; and idiomatic usage. Sentence Structure (20-25%). Examines your understanding of relationships between and among clauses, placement of modifiers, and shifts in construction. Rhetorical Skills Strategy (15-20%). Tests how well you develop a given topic by choosing expressions appropriate to an audience for the passage and purpose; judging the effect of adding, revising, or deleting supporting material; and judging the relevance of statements in context. Organization (10-15%). Tests how well you organize ideas, including choosing effective opening, transitional, and closing sentences. Style (15-20%). Questions in this category test how well you choose precise and appropriate words and images, maintain the level of style and tone in an essay, manage sentence elements for rhetorical effectiveness, and avoid ambiguous pronoun references, wordiness, and redundancy.

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Test format

75 questions to be answered in 45 minutes - Multiple choiceYou will be given a series of passages where particular words and phrases are underlined and numbered. To the right of the text you will find alternatives for the underlined parts. Usually, you need to choose the one that best expresses the idea, makes the statement appropriate for standard written English, or is worded most consistently with the style and tone of the passage as a whole. You also have the option to choose "NO CHANGE" if you think the original text is the best option. In some cases a question about the passage will appear on the right hand side. You are to choose the best answer to the question.You will also find questions about a section of the passage, or about the passage as a whole. These questions do not refer to an underlined portion of the passage, but rather are identified by a number or numbers in a box.For each question, choose the alternative you consider best and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. Read the passage through carefully before trying to answer the questions - often you will need to read beyond the underlines part to understand the context to answer the question correctly..

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Using GoConqr to help prep:

Quizzes - use GoConqr to create practice quizzes to test yourself and your friends.Flashcards - use Flashcards to remind you of key terms, for example grammar, or try the vocabulary flashcards included in this Note.Slides and Notes - use Slides and Notes to collect GoConqr resources, your study notes, and links to websites in a convenient place.Groups - create a study group to share resources with your friends.Search - use the search bar to find relevant resources for you created by other GoConqr users.On the go: Download the GoConqr mobile app and you can access your resources from anywhere!

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