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To Kill A Mockingbird Complete Notes


Context, narrative perspective, setting
Note by jessica.moscrip, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jessica.moscrip about 11 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (15)

Resource summary

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Context-Takes place in a town in Alabama, USA-Published in 1960 which was just before the black civil rights movement in America

American Slavery- 17th-19th centuries = black people bought from Africa to America and sold as slaves to work on sugar and cotton plantationsin the Caribbean and North America. - Slavery abolished in 1865, but things were not equal between black's and whites

The Great Depression 1929-1940's-Tradgedy that placed millions of Americans out of work- Was the beginning of government involvment in the economoy and in society as a whole

Roosevelt and the New Deal-Hebert Hoover = president during Great Depression- Roosevelt won in 1932- He began new programmes, shut banks down until they were stable to try and sort out the economy

The Civil Rights Movement 1950s/60s- Challenging social prejudice- The changes in attitude and law that occured highlighted injustice and press the cause for change- Lots of people of all races risked their standing in the community and their lives for racial equality

Activism for Equal Opportunity- The Movement was occupied by African-Americans, college students and religious leaders of many races-Took on tactics of legal challenges, civil protests and other initiatives in their efforts to see equality

Narrative Perspective- Written in hindsight- Looking back on the past/her childhood- Scout as an adult- Mix of emotions and thoughts as she reflects- Significant event that has shaped her as an adult- She is 5 when the story begins, 8 by the ending- Written from a childs perspective - as she understood the events at the time

Effect of this narrative- Childs point of view = innocent, naive and not tainted by experience- Writing as an adult = she relates experiences Scout did not understand = this contributes to the reader's engagement and humour- Injustice stands out. Only the children realise the prejudice making the whole idea of racial predjuice absurd

Key quotations for the setting- "Tired, old town"- "Rainy weather"- "Grass grew on the sidewalks"- "Maycomb county has nothing to fear but fear"

"Tired" and "old" - Used to show the contrast between the adults and children- These adjectives are chosen instead of positive ones to represent the hard times and reflect how different parts of society react

"Maycomb county has nothing to fear but fear"- Represents the conflict

Why does Harper Lee use Scout to narrate the novel?- To create humour- Emphasise the theme of child innocence- To show how innocence is corrupted by scoiet

1. Create humour:"fruitless efforts to teach me group dynamics""my teachers thought essential"2. Child innocence"I examined my loot""What you reckon... Jem?""Lived a malevolent phantom" "Why couldn't I mash him?""I think there's one under my bed. Can you come look?"How does a snake feel?"3. Innocence corrupted"He's just a Cunningham""Thats nigger talk""Well Dill, after all he's justa Nego"


Narrative Persepective

Setting and Location

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about 10 years ago
This is actually so helpful, I needed a summary and key quotations.....THANKS
about 10 years ago


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