Quotes and explainations


Note on Quotes and explainations, created by kateykiska25 on 22/04/2013.
Note by kateykiska25, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kateykiska25 over 11 years ago

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Andrew reached up and felt his neck. There was a Band-Aid. It was gone. He was just like everybody else now. Pg 4   The Isolation that the monitor caused was now over, and he could be accepted as a normal person. The monitor was tool that the I.F. used to watch Ender (Andrew), so that no one would hurt him while they learnt more about him.

And Peter won't hate me anymore. I'll come home and show him that the monitor's gone, and he'll see that I didn't make it, either. That I'll just be a normal kid now, like him. That won't be so bad then. He'll forgive me that I had my monitor a whole year longer than he had his. Pg 2   Peter may accept him now because he doesn't have the monitor anymore. He will be normal and then peter can forgive Ender that he had his monitor longer than him. 

They talked and joked and bragged and laughed. Ender kept his silence. He noticed how Graff and the other officers were watching them. Analyzing. Everything we do means something, Ender realized. Them laughing. Me not laughing. pg 28 He isolated because he knew they were watching him, all the kids were being judged on their actions in the elevator.

ENDER WIGGIN ASSIGNED SALAMANDER ARMY COMMANDER BONZO MADRID EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY CODE GREEN GREEN BROWN NO POSSESSIONS TRANSFERRED Pg 68They transferred Ender because he had broken his isolation and they needed to make sure he was isolated again to keep the form of education from being ineffective.

"Call him in, Major. I'll dump the rosters into his files and give him his security system. What we're doing to him isn't all bad, you know. He gets his privacy again."  "Isolation, you mean."  "The loneliness of power. Go call him in." Pg 155  They are giving privacy back to Ender so that they can isolate him again. Every time Ender gets to comfortable in one place they have to change something so he is isolated again. They are placing Ender in position of power Quote  "The loneliness of power".

It was the teachers who had done it. And it wasn't an accident. Ender realized that now. It was a strategy. Graff had deliberately set him up to be separate from the other boys, made it impossible for him to be close to them. And he began now to suspect the reasons behind it. It wasn't to unify the rest of the group -- in fact, it was divisive. Graff had isolated Ender to make him struggle. To make him prove, not that he was competent, but that he was far better than everyone else. That was the only way he could win respect and friendship. It made him a better soldier than he would ever have been otherwise. It also made him lonely, afraid, angry, untrusting. And maybe those traits, too, made him a better soldier Pg 168-169   Graff had isolated Ender for education to make him stronger. Being stronger was the only way he could earn acceptance. All the emotions he felt were traits that helped him. Isolation had indeed made him a better solider than he would have ever been.

But I'll be watching you, more compassionately than you know, and when the time is right you'll find that I'm your friend, and you are the soldier you want to be. Pg 150 Graff has isolated Ender so that he will be the best solider and once that happens Ender will realized that Graff is his friend, that he has accepted him.

And Peter won't hate me anymore. I'll come home and show him that the monitor's gone, and he'll see that I didn't make it, either. That I'll just be a normal kid now, like him. That won't be so bad then. He'll forgive me that I had my monitor a whole year longer than he had his. Pg 2 Peter may accept him now because he doesn't have the monitor anymore. He will be normal and then peter can forgive Ender that he had his monitor longer than him. 

Father came home and kept saying it was such a wonderful surprise, they had such fantastic children that the government told them to have three and now the government didn't want to take any of them after all, so here they were with three, they still had a Third... until Ender wanted to scream at him, I know I'm a Third, I know it, if you want I'll go away so you don't have to be embarrassed in front of everybody, I'm sorry I lost the monitor and now you have three kids and no obvious explanation, so inconvenient for you, I'm sorry sorry sorry. Pg 15 Ender is isolated because he is a third he knows they never wanted. Being a third made them different is society where having only two children is expectable. His father accepted him even though he was a third but Ender could not.

A bigger boy came to sit by him. Not just a little bigger- he looked to be twelve or thirteen. Getting his man's growth started. Pg 42"I noticed you eating all alone. Every launch has one like that. Kid that nobody takes to right away. Sometimes I think the teachers do it on purpose. The teachers aren't very nice. You'll notice that." Pg 42The boy Accepted Ender and explained why the teacher had been isolating him. He speaks in a way that Ender can relate to. This boy was Ender's first "friend".

"I've watched your practice sessions with the Launchies. I think you show some promise. Bonzo is stupid and I wanted you to get better training than Petra could give you. All she can do is shoot." Pg 101 Dink accepts Ender and wants to help him more than he ever could have been in the salamander army.

 "They don't want to teach me everything," Ender said. "I wanted to learn what it was like to have a friend." Alai nodded soberly. "Always my friend, always the best of my friends," he said Pg 55-56 They only teach the facts not the life skills. They can teach him everything but won't teach him how to be accepted, how to have a friend.

He recognized that they were isolating him again, this time not by setting the other students to hating him, but rather by giving them no opportunity to become friends. He could hardly have been close to most of them anyway -- except for Ender, the other students were all well into adolescence. Pg 258 Again they were isolating but this time by not giving him the opportunity to make friends. Ender had just an age gap that it would be impossible for him to interact with them.

"Don't be alone. Ever. -Dink." Chapter 12, pg 205 Dink is Enders friend wants to make sure he doesn't get harmed by Bonzo and the others.

"Isolation is -- the optimum environment for creativity. It was *his* ideas we wanted, not the -- never mind, I don't have to defend myself to you."Pg 149   Isolation is way to create an environment that inspires Ender. Graff is explaining to Valentine, why they have done this to him.

The fear stayed, all through dinner as no one sat by him in the mess hall. The other boys were talking about things-- the big scoreboard on one wall, the food, the bigger kids. Ender could only watch in isolation. pg 41 No one sat beside Ender, he was isolated because of what Graff had done.

A bigger boy came to sit by him. Not just a little bigger- he looked to be twelve or thirteen. Getting his man's growth started. Pg 42"I noticed you eating all alone. Every launch has one like that. Kid that nobody takes to right away. Sometimes I think the teachers do it on purpose. The teachers aren't very nice. You'll notice that." Pg 42The boy Accepted Ender and explained why the teacher had been isolating him. He speaks in a way that Ender can relate to. This boy was Ender's first "friend".

They laughed together, and two other Launchies joined them. Ender's isolation was over. The war was just beginning. Pg 53 Ender had broken through the wall of isolation the teachers (Graff) had created. He now was accepted by the launchies.

"I've watched your practice sessions with the Launchies. I think you show some promise. Bonzo is stupid and I wanted you to get better training than Petra could give you. All she can do is shoot." Pg 101 Dink accepts Ender and wants to help him more than he ever could have been in the salamander army.

He recognized that they were isolating him again, this time not by setting the other students to hating him, but rather by giving them no opportunity to become friends. He could hardly have been close to most of them anyway -- except for Ender, the other students were all well into adolescence. Pg 258 Again they were isolating but this time by not giving him the opportunity to make friends. Ender had just an age gap that it would be impossible for him to interact with them.





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