Cells and Their Organization


The whole thing you need to know about the organization along the "Characteristics of Living Organisms" in the GCSE (Edexcel)
Alex  Steele
Note by Alex Steele, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex  Steele
Created by Alex Steele over 8 years ago

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Cells and Their Organization

Level of Organization Organelle - CO2, H20, N20 Cell - Plant cells, animal cells Tissue - Lung tissue, esophageal tissue Organ - Heart, liver Organ system - Digestive, endocrine

Animal Cells:Nucleus = The largest organelle in the cell Cell Membrane = Many substances pass through, permeable to carbon dioxideMitochondria (Singular for Mitochondrion) = There are more of them that need a lot of energy, such as muscle or nerve cellsCytoplasm = A living material that makes up a cell

Plant Cells:Nucleus = The largest organelle in the cell Cell Membrane = Many substances pass through, permeable to carbon dioxideMitochondria (Singular for Mitochondrion) = There are more of them that need a lot of energy, such as muscle or nerve cellsCytoplasm = A living material that makes up a cellChloroplasts = Absorb light energy to make food in the process of photosynthesisVacuole = A large central space surrounded by a membraneCell Wall = A layer of non-living material that is found outside the cell membrane of plant cells.

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