How can the Bolsheviks success in 1917 be best explained?


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Note by alishah16, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alishah16 almost 11 years ago

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Important events during the October Revolution contributed to this:6th November- Red Guards (armed factory workers) took over bridges and telephone exchange 7th November- Red Guards took over banks, government buildings, and the railway stations. It was on this night also that the Red Guards stormed the Winter Palace and arrested the Provisional Government leaders.

PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT PROBLEMS-  They were weak and unpopular compared to the Bolsheviks, when there group was attacked, there was no one there to protect them. 

SLOGANS- The slogans allowed the Bolsheviks allowed them to gain public support. They seemed to keep their promises unlike other political parties. One of their slogans was 'peace, bread and land', all key objects the public needed, so obviously hearing this, the public supported them.  Another slogan was 'all power to the Soviets', the Bolsheviks faced opposition from other parties claiming that they wouldn't be able to keep their promises but the other parties explanations into why they believed this were too complicated, so the public continued to support the Bolsheviks.

PRAVDA- This was a newspaper the Bolsheviks created in order to get their ideas across. (Pravda means truth)

WAR/MONEY- The Bolsheviks understood that the public were not happy that the Provisional Government were keeping the country in war. It was costing the country not only a lot of money and having a detrimental effect on the economy, but it costing a lot of Russian life's. So by stating the idea that they wanted to take Russia out of the war, this gained them a lot more support.  EMPATHETIC 

LENIN- The idea that they had a strong sense of leadership, provided the Bolsheviks with a lot more force. Lenin provided them with a sense of strong leadership, planning and organisation. They also only had one aim (to overthrow the government) so they only had one main focus. 

ARMY- the creation of the Red Guards allowed the Bolsheviks to have the military power to win. 

ORGANISATION- they were had a central committee which sent orders to the Soviets which then passed on the information to the factories. Their membership rapidly grew to 2 million in 3 months.  The Bolsheviks also demanded obedience and respect from their members, therefore their members were well disciplined.

TOO MUCH TSAR- The Provisional Government held similar beliefs to those of the previous Tsar.  So by the Bolsheviks coming onto the scene, this provided the public with someone new who actually voiced some of their beliefs. This would of course lead the Bolsheviks to have gain more support. EMPATHETIC

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