Elements,Compounds and Mixtures Notes


This set of notes is on ECM
Xiang Lin Goh
Note by Xiang Lin Goh, updated more than 1 year ago
Xiang Lin Goh
Created by Xiang Lin Goh about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Introduction of ECM

-A pure substance is made up of either one type of element or one type of compound-A mixture is made up of more than one type of element,more than one type of compound or a combination of elements and/or compounds

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What are elements?-All matter are made of elements-Elements are the basic building blocks of living things and non-living things-Definition of elements:An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into 2 or more simpler substances by chemical methods-Only elements are found in the periodic table

Page 3


Classification of elementsBy states-Solidse.g:gold,carbon,calcium-Liquidse.g:mercury and bromine ONLY-Gasese.g:oxygen,chlorine,nitrogenAs metals or non-metals-Metalse.g:mercury,iron-Non-metalse.g:boron,helium

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Classification of elementsAs metals or non-metalsProperties of metals Properties of non metalsShiny DullGood conductor of heat and electricity Poor conductor of heat and electricityCorrode easily Does not corrodeMalleable(can be beaten into shapes) Not malleableDuctile(can be pulled into shapes) Not ductile

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-Definition of compounds:A compound is a substance made up of 2 or more elements chemically joined together.Examples of compounds-Salt[sodium+chlorine]-Water[hydrogen+oxygen]-Sugar[carbon+hydrogen+oxygen]-Nitrogen dioxide[nitrogen+oxygen]

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-Definition of mixtures:A mixture consists of 2 or more substances(elements and/or compounds) that are not chemically combined together.-Alloys are a mixture of metals and sometimes non-metals.They are stronger than pure metals as pure metals are very soft and weak.Alloys have similar chemical properties as their constituent elements but they have different physical properties.

Page 7

The Periodic Table

-Groups:Vertical-Period:Horizontal-The zigzag line divides the elements on its left as metals and elements on its right as non-metals

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