Prokaryotic Cells.


Abdul Raja
Note by Abdul Raja, updated more than 1 year ago
Abdul Raja
Created by Abdul Raja about 8 years ago

Resource summary

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-Evolved earlier than Eukaryotic cells.-Smaller and simpler than Eukaryotic cells as don't have a nucleus/membrane-bound organelles.~70s Ribosomes, Slime Capsule, nucleoid, cell wall, cell membrane, mesosomes, plasmids, flagellaCYTOPLASM~[S] No membrane bound organelles, Contains dissolved substances and enzymes. ~[F] Cytoskeleton=present, but composed of diff proteins than Eukaryotic cytoskeleton.Ribosomes~[S] Smaller 70s Ribosomes~[F] Synthesise proteins.Circular DNA~[S] Single molecule of circular DNA, NOT ASSOCIATED with Histone proteins, Located in the Nucleoid, No Nucleus.~[F] Contains the genetic information for the replication of bacterial cells.Cell Wall~[S] Made of Murein (peptidoglycan), polymer of polysaccharides and peptides (glycoproteins).~[F] Physical Barrier that Excludes certain substances. Protects against: Mechanical Damage, Osmotic lysis.Plasmid~[S] Small, circular, double-stranded DNA molecules found in the cytoplasm. Separate from main DNA strand. ~[F] Contain genes which may aid the survival of bacteria in adverse conditions, e.g. produce enzymes which break down enzymes. These genes=passed from one bacterial cell to another during conjugation, where bacterial cells exchange genes. Capsule~[S] Mucilaginous slime layer.protects bacteria from other cellshelps groups of bacteria stick together for protectionprevents the cell from drying out.flagellumComposed of a protein: tubulinDiff interna; structure to flagella in EukaryotesCell surface membrane:Pilishorter and straighter than flagella. HAIR LIKE STRUCTURESSome bacteria have one or more flagellaused to move cells (motile)

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