Cell Structure


IGCSE Biology (B1: Cells and the Characteristics of Life) Note on Cell Structure, created by ShreyaDas on 24/03/2014.
Note by ShreyaDas, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ShreyaDas over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Differencesplant cells have chloroplasts (photosynthesis), cell walls (support) and a vacuole (turgid)

Part of Cell Function Cell Membrane - holds the cell together- controls substances entering and leaving the cell- semi-permeable Cytoplasm - where many chemical processes happen- contains enzymes that control these chemical processes Nucleus - contains chromosomes (made up of genes)- controls all cell activity Mitochondria - parts of cell where energy is released from food (where respiration happens) Cell Wall - made of cellulose- gives cell shape and support Vacuole - contains cell sap and water- helps support the cell Chloroplasts - contain chlorophyll (green pigment) which absorbs light energy that plants need for photosynthesis

Plants Cell Characteristics- always have a cell wall made of cellulose = definite shape- Usually have a large permanent vacuole- Some have chloroplasts- Up to 1mm longExamples: root hair cells, palisade cells, guard cells

Animal Cell Characteristics- no cell wall = no definite shape- any vacuole = small and temporary- don't have chloroplasts- usually less than 0.05mm longExamples: liver cells, cheek lining cells, muscle fibres, red blood cells

Stomata opens when a leaf is full of water (turgid) to allow the exchange of gases for photosynthesisThey close when there isn't a lot of water in the leaf (flaccid) = prevents further loss of water 


Not all cells are the same ~~ cells may be specialized for a particular function- their structures will allow them to carry this function out

Cells can be different in:- SIZE- CONTENTS- SHAPE- ARRANGEMENT

Cell  Function Adaptation Red Blood Cell carry oxygen around body - biconcave shape = more surface area- no nucleus = more space- very small = squeeze through capillariesMuscle Cells contract to support body movements - made of contractile filament- contains lots of mitochondria to supply with energy Ciliated Cells use cilia to move mucus to throat - hair like projections called cilia (sweeps mucus upwards) Root Hair Cells absorb water and minerals from soil - extension (increases surface area for water intake)- large number of mitochondria (respiration becomes more active)- concentrated vacuole (easy to absorb water through osmosis) Xylem Vessels transports water around plant  - hollow = no resistance - strong to support plant

Cells are very small and cannot be seen by the naked eye

Calculating MagnificationMagnification =Drawing Size/Actual SizeActual Size = Drawing Size/Magnification

40/.004 = x10000

1 millimeter = 1000 micrometers

Cell Structure

Leaf Structure

Specialization in Cells

Cell Measurement and Magnification

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