Human Resources Management (Business Management N5)


Note on Human Resources Management (Business Management N5), created by Finlay Morse on 06/01/2017.
Finlay Morse
Note by Finlay Morse, updated more than 1 year ago
Finlay Morse
Created by Finlay Morse about 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Recruitment and selection are 2 terms used by businesses when describing the process of hiring new employees. Recruitment involves encouraging people to apply for a job vacancy. Selection involves choosing the best person for a job.Recruitment It is important that the best possible people are attracted to work for a business because they play an important role in the business activities. They contribute towards achieving objectives. They produce quality goods and provide services. They interact with customers and have to provide a quality service. They interact and communicate with other stakeholders. Recruitment Process Identify the vacancy Carry out a job analysis Prepare job description Prepare person specifications Advertise Internally or Externally Send out applications

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