Created by treisemcmahon
almost 12 years ago
Copied by orlaghemmett
almost 12 years ago
Functionalist take a consensus view of the role of the family. They see it as a universal institution that performs essential functions for society as a whole and all members of the family. Parsons sees a functional fit, with the nuclear family fitting modern society's need for a geographically and socially mobile labour force. However, critics argue that he is wrong about the relationship between industrialisation and the family structure.Marxists see the family as serving the economic and ideological needs of capitalism. Feminists see the family as serving the needs of men and perpetuating patriarchal control of women.Liberal, radical and marxist feminists differ over the cause of women's subordination and the solution to it. Functionalists, Marxists and feminist theories have all been critised for neglecting family diversity and individuals capacity to choose their family arrangements.
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