Cell divison and organisation


A-Levels Biology f211 Note on Cell divison and organisation, created by Gemma Bradford on 07/05/2013.
Gemma Bradford
Note by Gemma Bradford, updated more than 1 year ago
Gemma Bradford
Created by Gemma Bradford over 11 years ago

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Page 42 Application1a) Bb) C2) Anaphase - spindles contract, pulling each chromatid to opposite ends of the cell, centromere first

Page 42 Fact recall1) Process that all multicellular organisms use to divide and grow2) Gap phase 1 and 23) To make sure there are no errors which can be passed on to new daughter cell4) To replicate the cell5) Nuclear envelope breaks down, centrioles form a spindle across the cell6) metaphase7) Anaphase8) 29) False10) Cytokinesis happens in centre of cell as needs to form cell wall, spindles form without centrioles and mitosis can only happen in meristem cells

Page 46 Application1a) Mitosis as budding involves mitosis when replicated DNA organells and cytoplasm move into bud, pinching off a new daughter cellb) Cell Y swelled to one side forming a bud, cell undergoes interphase and DNA + organells are replication, mitosis occurs moving the replicated organelles, cytoplasm and DNA into bud, budding cell contains new nucleus and cytokinesis occurs pinching the bud off from parent cell, forming cell X2) C

Page 46 Fact recall1) Mitosis2) Genetically identical3) A - vacuole b - nucleus c - cell  membrane d - cytoplasm e - cell wall4) Asexual reproduction involving mitosis, producing cell genetically identical to parent cell5) Matching chromosomes that have the same genes, different alleles6) Divison of cells  in the reproductive organs to produce 4 new genetically different daughter cells7) Genetically different, produces 4

Page 50 Application1) Contain microvilli which cover the cells providing a large surface area for absorption of food

Page 50 Fact recall1) Unspecialised cell that can develop into any type of cell2) Where cells divide and become specialised to their job3ai) Red blood cellsii) White blood cellsb) Bone marrowci) biconcave disc shape providing larger surface area for exchangeii) Flexible shape to engulf foreign pathogens4) Cambium forms a ring inside root/shoots where cells divide and grow out from the ring, differentiating as they move away from the cambium5a) As it can swim to egg cellb) Contain an acrosome with digestive enzymes to penetrate egg cell6a) To carry out photosynthesisb) To absorb water and mineral ions from the soil7) Have thin outer walls and thick inner walls so they are forced the bend outwars, opening the stomata for gas exchange and photosynthesis

Page 53 Fact recall1) A group of cells specialised to work together to perform a function2) False3a) As it is made up of a single layer of flat cells covering a surface that are specialised to provide a thin diffusion distance for exchangeb) As it is made up of a layer of cells covered in cilia which are specialised to waft substances along4) Xylem and phloem5) A group of tissues working together to perform a function6) Organs working together to perform a function7) Respiratory system - as it is all the organs involved in gas exchange

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