A3: Insurance & risk management - created from Mind Map


CII - Level 4 Diploma R01 - Financial services, regulation, and ethics (C1: UK fin servs industry in European/global context) Note on A3: Insurance & risk management - created from Mind Map, created by Mark Varela on 14/04/2014.
Mark Varela
Note by Mark Varela, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mark Varela
Created by Mark Varela over 10 years ago
Mark Varela
Copied to Note by Mark Varela over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Protect physical assets

Protect earnings & profit potential

Protect financial transactions

Premiums are pooled by the insurer to invest to grow value of reserves against inflation.Key person policies allow companies to insure against death or long-term illness of individuals vital to income stream of company.Risks too big to be covered by a single insurer are assessed & accepted but then passed to a reinsurance company for a proportion of the premium.  Lloyd's of London offer a specialist insurance & reinsurance market through its underwritiing syndicates.Derivatives are used to offset losses when protecting financial transactions.

Insurance & risk management


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