Picture Question


Templates for answering each of the picture questions
Note by peggyhughes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by peggyhughes over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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THE QUESTIONWill give you name, date, materials and location Will ask a) The appearance of the building b) the overall significance, meaning or impression of the building Likely to be phrased as the composition, architectural elements or the facade Will in reality discuss both

FIRST, OBSERVELook at building in terms of style (work out period and fashion)Deduce function - if it's a public building this will be specified in the question 

1. COMPOSITION Symmetry Horizontal/vertical divisions  Describe EVERYTHING that is contained within these divisions and compare size of elements to each other State what role each 'band' plays, e.g. which floor. Use evidence for this e.g. entrance = grand door Name general features when describing horizontal divisions, then go into detail in vertical divisions 

2. SCALE AND CONTEXT Work out from number of stories etc. May include person/car for reference

3. MATERIALS  Describe how they are used e.g. stone carvings  Colours and their effect  Where the materials are visible e.g. brickwork  Deduce price of construction from size and complexity  If materials differ, mention their contrast  Mention any metalwork or additions 

4. INTERPRETATIONForm and Function  What do the features tell us about the function? e.g. size and materials - price  What can we guess about the interior from the exterior? e.g. number of rooms and what their uses may be  Form and Meaning How do we interpret the architectural elements? Stylistic meanings of the features present  Does the building seem welcoming or hostile? How does this relate to its private/public function? 

THE QUESTION Will ask you a) The artist's representation or interpretation of the subject b) The artist's use of materials or techniques 

1. Begin with CONTENT Simply describe in detail EVERYTHING that is present in the sculpture, and what various figures might be doing.Mention briefly stylistic techniques e.g. elongation of limbs

THE QUESTION Will ask How the artist has represented the figure and The artist's use of one feature e.g. composition or light Will give name, name of artists, date, size, materials, place of exhibition 

1. CONTENT Describe what you see in the painting in exhaustive detail  To get a band 6 you must mention everything 

2. COMPOSITION Can draw thumbnail sketches to illustrate point in exam a) Shape of canvas Horizontal or vertical?Division of picture frame Lines, grouping, objects, golden ratio How is eye led through the painting?

3. PERSPECTIVE AND SPACE Deep/shallow spaceHow is it created?Vanishing point of perspective, accuracy of scaleWhat's positioned in foreground/background?

4. LIGHT The source of light What it highlights in the picture and how this creates 3D forms Its intensity or colour Its atmospheric effect e.g. is chiaroscuro used? how does this create drama?  

5. COLOUR Range of palette Naturalistic or exaggerated? neutral or bright? Colour can be used to set a mood, draw the eye or for symbolism 

6. TECHNIQUES Discuss if the painting is naturalistic or stylised and where this is evident in the painting Verisimilitude means 'accurate to nature'Texture of paint - consider the way paint has been applied to the surface, how and what effect this has Look at the materials used and deduce how the picture was painted e.g. egg tempura = layers

7. INTERPRETATION Summarise and conclude from all points mentioned Discuss in terms or what the artists is trying to express, considering features 1-6 and the size of the painting The overall effect of the painting 

2. COMPOSITIONPose - obvious in classical contraposto etc. Relationships within the figures Articulation of limbs Groupings of structure - triangles, negative space etc. Constructional techniques e.g. limbs supporting body 

3. STYLE Realistic or stylised/idealised?Where can you see this in sculpture?

4. POSITIONAL SETTINGFrontal or meant to be seen all round - how can you tell this?Outside or inside?Scale  

5. MATERIALSWhat do materials suggest about construction? Lost Wax Technique Tools for stone carving What does size say about materials?Hollow?What do materials say about subject?May suggest power or wealth or have religious connotationsPossible colours of material

6. TECHNIQUES Surface of sculpture  Texture, remaining lines of construction etc. Artist's mark or different subjects Discuss the way in which light hits the piece and what this emphasises within the structure 

7. INTERPRETATION Discuss in terms of subject How has artist represented the subject - e.g. granted it status, archetypal figure etc. Consider what relevant emotions may have inspired the creation of the piece 

MODERN ART Look at title - what is the piece showing?Still discuss all 6 factors, but perhaps in terms of what the piece doesn't show e.g. no features State the obvious - "does not show a likeness"When interpreting, focus on artist's perception of the character: could be a piece to describe their personality or relationship Consider materials in literal terms e.g. strong means can be transported or exhibitioned outside 

AO1 - Recall relevant information to demonstrate knowledgeAO2 - Demonstrate knowledge through analysis. Make judgements from evidence and sustain discussions or arguments AO3 - Clear and coherent response




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