Byzantine Empire - created from Mind Map_1_1


Note on Byzantine Empire - created from Mind Map_1_1, created by hena_nair on 28/05/2014.
Note by hena_nair, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by hena_nair over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by hena_nair over 10 years ago
Copied by hena_nair over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Constantinople-conquered by Constantine-center of trade and culture-center of wealthy eastSchism of 1054-after icon controversy (8th-9th century) & in 726 Pope Leo III bans icons because:1. weaken monastic owners of popular icons2. influence of Muslim & Jewish contempt for image worship3. theological meanings- growing differences b/w eastern orthodox church and western roman catholic church:e- bible=final authorityw-pope interpret, bible=finale-holy spirit proceeded from the father alonew-holy spirit proceeded from father and son "filioque"-pope's envoy, cardinal Humbertus sent to constantinople to negotiate with eastern officials--negotiations break down & excommunication of east officials- east condemns westMonastic Life-Christianity became unifying force as the empire declines-monks must devote themselves and their entire lives to religionBenedict-defines monastic life^^

Justinian-united & strengthened byz empire:1. religion- christianity (unifying)2. trade- wealth3. military4. gov't-regional governors5. law- justinian codeCorpus Juris Civilis-Justinian's code of law that provided uniform law throughout the empire

Theodora-ruled alongside Justinian and as equal-told him to kill of his political enemies in massacre

Charlemagne-king of the Franks- had a good relationship w/ church-legacy: united parts of Western Europe- HRE, peace & stability- diplomatic relations with Byz & Islam leaders, support of RCC, education/revival of learning


Byzantine Empire


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