C2: Reporting & notifications - created from Mind Map


CII - Level 4 Diploma R01 - Financial services, regulation, and ethics (C6: Principles & rules set out in reg. framework) Note on C2: Reporting & notifications - created from Mind Map, created by Mark Varela on 02/06/2014.
Mark Varela
Note by Mark Varela, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mark Varela
Created by Mark Varela over 10 years ago
Mark Varela
Copied to Note by Mark Varela over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

shareholdings & control of ltd co.

people/organisations with close links

financial resources

complaints recv'd

FCA req'd regular returns

- subsidiaries - sister companies - holdings of at least 20%


Reports cover: annual accts & financial statements amount held on deposit value of client's assets in discretionary portfolio mgr's possession nos. of staff undertaking different roles within the firm types of business being undertaken no. of complaints recv'd & persistency stats Persistency rules apply to reg and sp life & pension contracts (exc. term ass.)Must report persistency figures, over first 4 years of contracts, annually to FCA broken down by sales channel & type of contract.

Firms must submit complaint stats twice a year broken down by product type, no of complaints closed within 4 weeks or less of receipt, within 8 weeks, more than 8 weeks, and total outstanding.Reports must always be submitted within 30 working days of end of reporting period.FCA may investigate, undertake series of 'thematic' visit focusing on a particular business type, or issue general guidance to the market.Firms failing to report will find themselves in enforcement & may be subject to authorisation being removed.  Fines may be imposed for merely being late.

FCA expects to be told immediately about any matter that potentially could have a significant regulatory impact, serious fraud or crime, major FCA rule breach, or firm's insolvency.Changes of name, address, legal status should be provided with reasonable advance notice.If incorrect info has inadvertently been given to FCA by firm they must notify them immediately upon finding out so.

C2: Reporting & notifications



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