
9999999 Science Note on SCIENCE, created by CC <3 on 20/05/2013.
CC <3
Note by CC <3, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by dalexanb over 11 years ago
CC <3
Copied by CC <3 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

SCIENCE OUTCOMES 14,15Fair Tests Independent variables are deliberately changed Dependent variables are the change that happens in the experiment because of the independant variable Controlled variables are all other variables that should be kept same

Scientific Reports A hypothisis is an educated guess An aim is what you set out to do Materiels is what are requiered in the process The method is the steps in experiment The result is is is the outcome (could be shown as graph, table ect.) The conclusion is how the experiment ended up (should answer the aim) The discussion is ideas and suggestons about results

ResultsGraphing Bar Coloum Line Piechart - can also use tablesScientific Drawings- makr sure to use: a sharp pencil a ruler and LABLE!!

The Basic Requirements for Humans Air as we need oxygen  to survive Water as we need to be hydrated Nutrience as we need food

Characteristics of Living ThingsM ovementR espirationS timiulisG rowthR eproductionE xcertionN utrition

Resources- Materials Humans Make use of a resourse is any MATERIALS that humans make use of materiels are NOT devices or machiens classified as either NATUTRAL or MAN-MADE  NATURAL occouring resources are produced by living things or found in nature Most NATURAL resources are mostly prossesed before hand MAN-MADE resources require a chemical process MAN-MADE can be traced back to to natural  resources

Recources- Where They OccourOur planet is devided into four sections called spheres. ATMOSPHERE is the air surrounding our planet HYDROSPHERE is all the water LITHOSPHERE is the earths crust BIOSPHERE is where living things occour

Matterany substance that takes up SPACE and have VOLUME we use word 'MATTER' instead of 'STUFF'fire, thoughts, feelings,energy do  NOT have mattermatter is studied by PHYSISTS and CHEMISTSPROPITIES are fetures or characteristics of a substancemost matter is in SOLIDS, LIQUIDS or GASTHESE ARE THE 3 STATES OF MATTER

liquid to solid= freezinggas to liquid= condesationliquid to gas= evaporationsolid to gas= sublimationsolid to liquid= meltinggas to solid= sublimation

Observations:Quantitative (As in QUANTITY): you measure your observationsQualitative (As in QUALITY): you observe but DO NOT measure

Outcomes 14, 15

Outcomes 16,17

Outcomes 1,2

Outcomes 3,4

Outcomes 5,6,7,8

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