Original Sin


GCSE Note on Original Sin, created by Simon and Kadie on 20/05/2013.
Simon and Kadie
Note by Simon and Kadie, updated more than 1 year ago
Simon and Kadie
Created by Simon and Kadie over 11 years ago

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D - Explain Christina teaching about Original sin

The Original Sin occurred when a serpent (the Devil) tempted Eve into eating fruit from the forbidden tree of knowledge. God then threw them from the Garden of Eden and this separated humanity from God.

This demonstrates how humanity abused their free will, and this is evidence for why humanity must prove themselves to God to enter heaven.

God came to earth incarnate, as Jesus to try to reunite humanity with God. Jesus taught Christians how they should live, and is a role model for how a good Christian should be. By following this way of life, Christians could prove themselves worthy to God

Jesus then rose form the dead after Crucifixion to atone for Original Sin. By rising from the dead he showed his power and that he was the true Son of God. 

Jesus then descended to Hell to free all those who have been trapped their from the Old Testament. This then allowed humanity to enter Heaven.

However humanity still has the ability to abuse free will, as if we did not have free will then God would have nothing to judge humanity on. This free will gives humanity the ability to sin if he chose to, but Christians believe that this will lead to an afterlife in Hell. 

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