GoConqr Quick Guide to Getting Started


This quick guide will help you understand how each of the GoConqr tools impact the learning process to optimise your study.
Andrea Leyden
Note by Andrea Leyden, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Andrea Leyden
Created by Andrea Leyden over 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden over 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden over 9 years ago

Resource summary

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Quick Guide to Getting Started with GoConqr Thank you for joining our community. Are you ready to transform your learning into an active process? Let's go.

Getting Started On GoConqr you will find a number of tools that empower you to create your own learning resources.Our key learning tools are: Mind Maps Flashcards Quizzes Notes Study/Revision Planner (Calendar) Not only this, but we have other great functionality which allows you to share and discover resources. You can create learning groups, track learning progress and even send private messages.In this quick start guide, we will help you understand how to get the most out of the GoConqr platform. Along with finding out how to create your first Mind Map, Flashcards, Quiz and other study resources, we will share the secret to your learning success. Soon you will be creating notes like this one incorporating Mind Maps, Flashcards and Quizzes. The complete learning resources await!

1. Create The first step of any successful learning process is to build a study plan. Click into the Calendar and start mapping out your priority tasks and study schedule. This plan will dictate any learning activities which follow and how you will study going forward. At this initial stage, you should also focus on using the GoConqr tools to create: Mind Maps: This versatile tool can be used in a variety of ways. One such way is to create an outline of a topic or subject so you understand the area as a whole. Flashcards: Once you outline the topic you are focusing on, creating flashcards will highlight the key terms, definitions and facts you need to know to cover the area. Notes: Using notes will bring all of your knowledge together in one central place. Integrate other resources you have created to build a study hub. Quizzes: Make sure to create some quizzes so that you can test your knowledge and track your learning progress further into the process This part of the learning process is important but often overlooked. As you are building your study notes using these tools, the material is starting to become part of your internal knowledge base so when you review and test yourself, your top of mind memory of this information will be improved.At this early stage, it's vital that you organise your resources by creating "Subjects" as this will make the remainder of the process easier and help give your learning context. Within each Subject you can organise your study further by creating "Topics" and assigning your resources accordingly.The tools available at your fingertips can transform your learning from passive consumption into an active process. We give you the toolset to build an enjoyable relationship with your personal learning journey, moving away from less effective methods.

2. Discover Learning is highly effective as a collaborative and social experience. GoConqr allows you to discover study resources published by students and teachers from over 140 countries worldwide and learn from their creations. If a resource is relevant to areas you are learning, you can add it to your personal library by pinning the resource to a topic within your subjects. In this sense you can add extra insight to your study and open your mind to endless possibilities of potential. You can also introduce an element of social learning by adapting your study to include comments from other students. Build a discussion on a topic with a number of other students using the Groups option. You can even poll the opinion of your friends to understand what the overall feeling on an area is. 3. Track Without understanding your learning progress, you won't know how successfully you are accomplishing your goals at each key point in the journey. One thing that sets top students apart from others is the habit they have developed of always learning from their mistakes to continuously build their foundation of knowledge. In this way you can optimise your learning to become an expert in any area! Here's how you can track your learning across the GoConqr tools: Mind Maps: Use tracking to manage your tasks by ticking completed items to know how much of a topic is done Flashcards: Use the 'I know' and 'I don't know' buttons to to track the terms you need to work further on Notes: Integrate other resources such as quizzes and flashcards into your notes to track progress Quizzes: Test your knowledge and track your scores across multiple attempts Bringing this altogether in one place is your subjects. If you have grouped your resources accordingly, you can easily view your average score and other stats in the 'Analytics' area. 4. Learn Of course, learning happens at every stage in the process. Even when you reach the succeed stage, you should reflect on what you have achieved and how you can ensure this knowledge is retained over the long-term. The best way to tackle the 'learn' objective is by reviewing your study notes and understanding where the gap in your knowledge lies. Do you have a problem understanding a certain topic? Did you think you would do better in that quiz? Now is the time to question what's working for you and what isn't and how to optimise each scenario. 5. Succeed You have put in all the hard work now it's time to put it into action when it really counts. Whether you are working on a course assignment, group project or end of term test, using this learning process will help you grab your academic goals with two hands. Remember: Learning is a cyclical process so once you start, you keep going to continue learning. At GoConqr, we strive to support lifelong learning rather than just ensuring your are prepared to take your next test. We give you the tools to understand how you can learn better in every situation.

Try this Quiz to understand how you can test your knowledge:

Here's an example of a Flashcard Deck:

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