Montessori - created from Mind Map


Note on Montessori - created from Mind Map, created by clairevipas on 21/05/2014.
Note by clairevipas, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by clairevipas over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by clairevipas over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Favourable environment Objective to create Independent children Freedom to choose Environment Teacher Materials Freedom within Limits The curve of work Furniture predictable attractive emphasis on order mixed age Order low shelves child sized Cohesion of the Social Unit’ Respecting the work of others belonging Interactions Health Knowledge Guide Observer Value all thoughts and opinions positive regard self-fulfilling prophecy’ model attitudes and skills Spiritual preparation Medical history Knowledge of illnesses Culture and customs Developmentally appropriate Norms demonstrating activities Inviting and coercing Repetition Vygotsky’s “Zone of Proximal Development” didactic activities Own pace real life linked to sensitive periods and learning styles 3 part lesson work cycle Analysis of movement Strength & mastery Prepared for success Scaffolding - support provided at first then slowly withdrawn Positive self image Control of error Name, Recognition, what is? cycle of activity time best 3 hours shelf, do , cleanup Eliminate unnecessary actions Ground rules consistency Positive false fatigue

Sensitive periods learning occurs in waves drawn to skills and activities 6 periods building, perfecting then fading Order (1st) Movement Language Small objects refinement of senses social aspects consistency, repetition, rules A place for everything gross and fine motor development speaking, writing and listening shouldn't speak for a child facination small manipulatives sewing, threading 5 senses able to make distinctions and classify Exposure linked to mneme friendships

Planes of development 0-6 Absorbent mind- sponge soaking up information 0-3 Unconscious Absorbent Mind’ 3-6 Conscious Absorbent Mind’ 6-12 childhood Normalisation Mneme - store memories and experiences Horme = inner drive Spiritual Embryo’ adult has no direct influence A child can not obey if against the horme Hormic Urge 1st stage of Obefience Energy that impels us to be active ego-centric Social Embryonic Stage’ hand is at work manipulating Horme replaced by the Will through interaction with the environment aware of social rules Sensitive period for socialisation Need and wants of others Discipline 2nd stage of Obedience re freedom within limits Internal Develops naturally through favourable environment 3rd stage when happy to Obey child is Normalised 12- 18 Adolescence characteristics: a desire to work, choice, concentration, satisfaction self-discipline deviations linked to horme Concentration beginning point Mastery of self, awareness of others Deviations adults imposing their personality and expectations on the child and the child reacting by either becoming the type of child they think the adult wants them to be or by fighting against the expectations strong - envy noisy violent weak - crying, bored Fugues - fantasy word, limited attention span looks to others to entertain them Barrier - disobedience, stubborness

Social and emotional development attachment Sensitive mothering Mum as secure base first 5 years crucial Internal working model can be both positive or negative

Subject areas Activities of everyday living Sensorial Maths Knowledge and understanding of the world Language Creativity Classroom etiquette Maniplative skiils Care of self Care of the environment Develop or Refine Indirect objectives - Independence, concentration, social aspects, order Bridging gap home to school help me to help myself real and functional promote independence Kimaesthetic Stereognistic Develop, refine Materialised abstraction Mathmatical mind Concrete manipulation Children is pre-operational stage concrete before abstraction Mind is mathmatical by nature - ordered and structured Citizen of the world Cosmic plan Explosion into writing ??? Visual arts Performing arts Role play Become balanced as uses right and left side Exposure to variety No control of error No labels by adults Elements of art Freedom / free play

All of this helps us to Follow the Child


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