What five things can an chest radiograph be used to diagnose?
How many days of background radiation is chest X-ray worth?
How is the quality of an x-ray assessed?
How is rotation assessed?
What are the two problems with a rotated film?
How can you tell if inspiration has been sufficient?
How do you tell if a film is PA or AP?
In which position is the heart enlarged?
When would you take an AP radiograph? What structure will be in the lung field? What can't you comment on?
How can you tell if a film is over or under exposed?
What are the five parts of CXR interpretation?
What components of the airway are being examined in an airway?
Describe what you can see here. What two things may be causing this?
What can be seen here? What might cause this? (4)
When looking at breathing what are the divisions called?
How can you tell that the lungs are filling the pleural cavity?
What are the three areas of focus when examining circulation from a chest radiograph?
What pathologies can you look for in the diaphragm?