Quiz by , created more than 1 year ago

English Literature (Of Mice and Men) Quiz on Of Mice and Men - Crooks, created by lmg719 on 29/04/2013.

Created by lmg719 over 11 years ago

Of Mice and Men - Crooks

Question 1 of 6


Who is Crooks?

Select one of the following:

  • Crooks is the Ranch 'Stable buck', he cares for all of the horses and mules on the ranch.

  • Crooks has a missing right hand, he is old and is incapable of doing most jobs on the ranch, reducing him to the most menial jobs like 'Swamping'.

  • He is the bosses son, an aggressive young man with a know reputation as a fighter.

  • He is a Migrant worker, regularly on the move, he rarely stays at one ranch for a long period of time.


Question 2 of 6


How did Crooks get his name?

Select one of the following:

  • He held up a shop once and stole $300 of goods

  • His full name is in fact Steve Crooks

  • He got kicked in the back by a horse once giving him a Crooked back


Question 3 of 6


Why is Crooks Subject to Discrimination?

Select one of the following:

  • He is old and is made to do some of the most menial jobs on the ranch

  • He is black and subject to some racial discrimination

  • He has a disability of having a crooked spine and unable to perform some simple tasks


Question 4 of 6


How does Crooks Frighten Lennie?

Select one of the following:

  • Crooks tells Lennie that George will desert him.

  • Crooks tells Lennie a scary horror story.

  • Crooks threatens to shoot Lennie if he tells anyone that he has had second helpings to the food


Question 5 of 6


Which Description best describes Crooks?

Select one of the following:

  • '.Crooks was a proud, aloof man... his eyes... seemed to glitter with intensity... he had thin, pain tightened lips'.

  • Crooks is a 'Tall, stoop shouldered old man'

  • Crooks is a 'small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features'.


Question 6 of 6


Why isnt Crooks allowed in the Bunkhouse?

Select one of the following:

  • Because he is black

  • Because he has is own living area in the barn

  • He got kicked out after he got drunk and violent one night.
