Introduction To APDD [1] Público

Introduction To APDD [1]

Various Studies Teacher
Curso por Various Studies Teacher, atualizado more than 1 year ago Colaboradores


Here you will have an introduction to APDD, which stands for Accumulating Personality Data Design. Open up the course and maybe you'll learn to like it! It's a bit complicated, but feel free to learn.

Informações do módulo

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Welcome To APDD! Before You Start Please take notes or memorise on important points! This will help you with future exams and quizzes.  Introduction From now on, I will be the person teaching you APDD. Now remember that this is only an introduction course, so there are a lot more courses to come in the future. Now what is APDD, exactly? APDD stands for Accumulating Personality Data Design. It may sound like a large mess of a jumble of words, but I promise you, there's a lot more to it than that. Let's study each word one by one. The first word is 'Accumulating'. What does it mean? Well, it is the present participle of 'Accumulate'. It means 'to gather together'. But gathering together what..? 'Personality'. Well, I'm positive that most people know what that means! Join it up with the next word and you get 'Personality Data'. And join it up with the next word again and you get 'Personality Data Design'!  Basically, here at APDD, we gather data about various peoples' personality for the population's statistics for the future. But what has 'Design' got to do with it?  Well, in APDD we mainly use quizzes and flowcharts to determine the 'Personality Data'. We 'design' the flowcharts and quizzes so we are able to 'accumulate' the data. Don't worry, you won't be making your flowcharts and quizzes all by yourself right away! You'll start off with different examples, and then a template. From then on you will be progressing to making the flowcharts and quizzes all by yourself! Now you've got a sense of what APDD is, please move onto the quiz. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now the lesson is over, please join our group! 
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Why APDD Exists Extension Module The reason why APDD exists is because statistics based on personality are very important and informative in the modern day. We already know that there is a 3:4 ratio of introverts to extroverts; but what about other personality traits? Such as optimism and pessimism; sad and happy; exciting and mundane. These are all personality traits that are very interesting to know in the modern day's demographics.  This is why APDD exists. To study the data of personality, and to make a conclusion about the humans on this earth. The information from APDD could affect the future in ways unexplained, which is why I highly recommend joining APDD. It's a long process, but it's worth it.
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Respecting Others, Respecting Self Hello, class! Today we will be looking at 'Respecting Others, Respecting Self'. This mainly is based on the ADPP group, which is currently in progress.  [ If you're interested in joining, here's the link: ] Now it may seem boring, but this specific lesson will branch off into different elements of the APDD class. Respecting Others While in a APDD classroom, you must respect the other students! It is a rule in all subjects. 1. Give out constructive critique when necessary. This may seem crazy, but some people do not like receiving critique. This may be because they are extremely sensitive to any sort of criticism, which is perfectly understandable.  2. Do not say any unwanted, mean, non-constructive comments on other peoples' work. This is pretty self explanatory. Respecting Self Respect yourself! There is nothing worse than disliking your projects or having a dangerously low self-esteem. If you're looking at others' creations a lot and comparing them to your own, I would advise trying to unfollow the people you look up to on social media. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That's it for this class! In the next lesson we will touch on the very basics of making flowcharts.
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Examples Of Flowcharts Hello once again, class! As you can see we have a massive flowchart on the screen, obstructing the view of the text. But that doesn't matter! As we are going to be using this flowchart as a reference / example for the future. Take your time and take the flowchart to figure out 'which colour you are'. Now that you've taken it, which colour did you get? Black? Red-Pink? Dark Turquoise? I got Purple!  Now you're taken the flowchart, study the flowchart and how it works. The first thing we will focus on is the subject of the flowchart, the point of it. In this flowchart the point was to see what colour you were depending on your personality.  The subject of your flowchart could be anything. To show your painting process, a fun quiz on what book you should read next, anything. The possibilities are truly endless. The way you could brainstorm ideas is by writing down anything you're interested about on a piece of paper, notebook, whatever; such as 'knitting', 'video games', 'animating', just scrawling down random hobbies and activities you're interested in. For example I'm quite interested in colours and the personalities they portray; and so I came up with the subject for a flowchart 'What Colour Are You?'. I am aware that this was quite a short lesson! I have set you two homework tasks. 1. To answer a poll. 1.1 Become a member of this group: I will accept request to join shortly. 1.2 Answer this poll: If your result you got isn't there, go to this poll because GoConqr has a maximum of ten options you can put on a poll. 2. Your actual homework task is to think of a subject for a flowchart, and that is all. Thank you!
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Flowchart Basics Remember when you did your first homework task, to vote on the Straw Poll? Well, that was a part of APDD! Getting your results off of the Straw Poll was one of the most important steps of completing the main APDD process of accumulating the personality data! Now let's inspect the flowchart from the last lesson. The title branches off into other sections and segments, to determine which colour you are. One goes like follows: Female > Tomboy > General Tomboy > Purple. And that is how a flowchart works! Or at least, the basics of a simple flowchart. Next is the presentation. You can see that I started the flowchart with the subject in a shape that was square and filled in with a pastel red colour. The one that followed, for example Female, was an oval shape with a red - orange pastel colour. Next was Tomboy, which was coloured in an orange pastel, etc. As well as the subject of the flowchart, you have to make it look nice as well with colours that fit nicely together and shapes that are orderly and correspond, not random and messy. Presentation matters, if you don't care about presentation then there's no point making the flowchart in the first place. Make it look appealing. Homework Task: 1. Go to   2. Go to 'Actions' (which is the folder and screw in the left top hand corner). 3, Click 'Copy'  4, Fill in the template with the subject you decided on for last lesson's homework.  5. Become a member of this group: 6. Comment your finished homework on  
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Extension Module - Structure of a Flowchart You start at the 'Start', and then follow the arrows to an 'task' that you apply to. Tasks connect to other tasks until you get to the last one, which is called the 'End'.
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APDD Investigation Basics   Hello once again, class! Today we'll be looking at the basics of an APDD investigation. An APDD Investigation is a big project where we focus on the reason of APDD's existence. To gather data based on personality. We make the flowcharts / quizzes, make a poll, and slap it onto a chart. It may seem easy, but there's a lot more too it than that.  Steps to having a successful APDD investigation: 1. Brainstorm ideas for a subject. As we said in 'Flowcharts Part One', write down anything you think is interesting on paper. It could be your hobbies, favourite [extra-curricular] activities, anything! I named my example flowchart 'What Colour Are You?' because I was interested in colours and the personalities, feelings and emotions they portray. 2. Create the flowchart! This is possibly one of the most fun steps. Remember to make it look appealing and neat with fun colours and orderly shapes. There also has to be a point to the flowchart otherwise you shouldn't be making the flowchart in the first place. 3. Share it! Share it with your friends and family, or share it with social media so they can take the flowchart too. 4. Make a poll for the flowchart. What result did they get for the flowchart? The options should be the last task on the flowchart, also known as the 'End'. 5. Wait a week or so for the results to come in, and then make a chart out of it. And that's it! There is also another method to do with quizzes as well, but that's in an upper level course that is filled with exams and the such. There's no homework for this module as we have almost finished the course and we will have exam revision for future lessons.  Class dismissed! -- Note: Please take note that we will be focusing on APDD Investigations in future, and more advanced, courses. We will be going into the details of flowcharts, charts (which we have not touched on yet) and later on another APDD Investigation method that involves quizzes which is a lot more complicated but less common than the flowchart method.
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Introduction to APDD - Exam Revision Hello class, and welcome to exam revision. Soon I will be hosting an exam based on what you have learned in this course.  You will need to revise to prepare for the exam. All the homework you have been doing before will lead up to this. The exam is called 'CA1APDDE', which stands for 'Course A1 Accumulating Personality Data Design Exam'. The exam will come in two segments, the first being..   1. CA1APDDE Quiz Exam You will take a quiz on all of the information you have learned out APDD in the last few lessons. This includes going right back to 'Welcome to APDD!' so we know where you are at and which parts of APDD we will need to touch on as a class. 2. CA1APDDE Flowchart Exam You will create a flowchart on a subject you have created. You will be doing the flowchart on a template I have made myself.  - You will be graded on how many questions you got right on the quiz and the neatness and imagination of the flowchart subject and presentation. Please revise at home and during breaks with the notes you have taken during class. The next two lessons will be the quiz exam and the one after that will be the flowchart exam.
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THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO PROCEED PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS TEXT STEPS TO COMPLETING YOUR QUIZ EXAM   1. Go to this group and request to be a member. You will soon receive an invite to the group. 2. Go to this discussion on the group and post your results there. NO LYING. I will be checking the statistics of the quiz so I know whether you're telling the truth or not. If you get a 'bad' score, then I will not be cross or angry with you. Please do not worry about posting your scores, if you wish for me to delete your comment on your score after I've seen it then please state so and I will delete it.  
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INTRODUCTION TO APDD FLOWCHART EXAM INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE FOLLOW THESE STEPS TO COMPLETE YOUR FLOWCHART EXAM   1. Request an invite to this group and we will reply to you as soon as possible. 2. Go to this resource (a flowchart template) and copy it into your resources. Then fill the template out with your own subject. This is the actual exam, so please focus and don't forget to revise. 3. When you have finished, go to this status update in the APDD Group and link your flowchart exam entry there. After this step, congratulations! You have finished all of your due exams.
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Goodbye! Hello, class! I just wanted to say that this is the last module in this course. Obviously, there will be a lot more courses on APDD to come but for now, I'm taking a small break as it is the end of the term. The next course will be named 'APDD Investigations [2]'. I am also hosting other courses! I am currently working on another subject, called Study of Literature (SL). Soon enough the course will be named 'Introduction To SL'. If SL seems appealing to you, please take the course!   It's been a pleasure teaching you this term. If you enjoyed this course, be sure to attend the next one!   Class dismissed !
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