Wind Power
How it works
Generate electricity from wind via a turbine
3 blades connected to a tower turbine which propels an electric generator
Form of clean, renewable energy
In Australia
In Australia 33.7% of clean energy is wind power
4.9% of all electricity in Australia is generated by wind power
76 wind farms
In Western Australia
3 wind farms: Collgar, Emu Downs, Walkaway
Collgar Wind Farm has 111 wind turbines, enough energy to power over 150k homes.
Walkaway wind farm one of the windiest regions and has 54 wind turbines, enough to power 64k homes
Collgar displaces about 660,000 tonnes of GHG emissions per year, and Walkaway displaces around 300,000 tonnes
Wind power makes up for 3.7% of the world's energy usage
Enough energy to power around 6 million households
There are over 314,000 wind turbines in over 80 countries in the world
USA, China, UK, Brazil and Denmark have all significantly reduced GHG emissions by using wind power
USA, China and Germany all produced the highest amount of megawatt hours from wind power last year
26% increase in wind power usage in USA since 2001
China had the largest growth of wind power installations - 92,000 wind turbines
42% of energy in Denmark comes from wind power with an aim of 50% by 2020 and 100% by 2050