GS 1

Preeti Shukla
Curso por Preeti Shukla, atualizado more than 1 year ago Colaboradores


Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)

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It is widely debated now that data is the new oil or currency of the 21st century. Highlight the issues emerging out of digitalisation and what steps a country like India must take to cope up with them.? Challenges of Digitisation and Way Forward Why economics must go digital to remain relevant”   Data being the new oil and currency in the world having no or minimul revenue generation but data is being traded at high value.  few market companies as Google, Facebook and Amazon dominates Search, social media and Retail in turns imbalance the market for new market player called survilience capitalism. It hurts both consumer and producer and creates problem of Data Privacy and Net nutrality (Service provider should give access to whole network and no site blocked) How data privacy and net neutrality are opposed to principles of free and fair trade(market economy)? Big Data to churn, record and predicts the behaviour of user. lack of government policy creates problem of digital market oligarchy  problem for competition policy which is vital for any economy to grow. How to fix this digital market imbalance in India? India must protect its startups from becoming proprietary of foreign brands. eg Flipkart by Walmart Data must be monitized. Govt to lay down policy. eg. Draft E-commerce policy - Law to stop sharing data with data analytics etc. Inspiration can be taken from General data protection Regulation - EU.  law must also lay down norms of accountability on part of digital tech giants. eg 50 mn FB user data was compromised by cambridge analytica. Way Ahead - In the digital era, data privacy, open and equitable access to the internet is like clean air or safe drinking water. It has become a central pillar of socio-economic and political dynamics of society, It is a public good that we need to safeguard as a collective right through laws that make controllers of data accountable.
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Social Justice | India and the Hunger Fight | Health | Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger |Poverty | Agricultural Marketing The United Nations has set the year 2030 as the deadline to end global hunger and India as of now has performed poorly in its efforts to eliminate hunger with most states not on track to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal-2 (SDG-2).   Goal 2 seeks sustainable solutions to end hunger in all its forms by 2030 and to achieve food security. Achieving this Goal requires better access to food and the widespread promotion of sustainable agriculture. This entails improving the productivity and incomes of small-scale farmers by promoting equal access to land, technology and markets, sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices. SDG 2 is closely related to Niti Ayog report on India's performance - GOI Initiative - The National Nutrition Mission monitors growth of children, as well as checks the pilferage of food rations provided at Anganwadi Centres. POSHAN Abhiyaan, launched in 2017-18, aims to reduce stunting, under-nutrition, anemia and low birth weight babies Antoydaya Anna Yojana (AAY) aims to provide food at subsidized prices to poor families. Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) envisages comprehensive early childhood care and development by focussing on children in the age group of 0-6 years, pregnant women and adolescent girls Mid-day Meal (MDM) scheme aims to improve nutritional levels among school children which also has a direct and positive impact on enrolment, retention and attendance in schools. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY), Rs.6,000 is transferred directly to mothers The National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology enables delivery of appropriate technologies and improved agronomic practices for farmers The National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture and the National Food Security Mission aims to enhance agricultural productivity, and the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) aims to improve water-use efficiency.
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GS Paper - 1 | Geographical Features and their Location | Important Geophysical Phenomena Why is the Bay of Bengal More Prone to Cyclones? Temperature difference Sea surface temperatures and humidity - As there is more fresh water drainage in bay of bengal it does not get mixed with deep chilled water and sea surface temperature is higher than arabian sea Absence of large landmass between the Pacific and the Bay, allows cyclonic winds to easily move into the Bay of Bengal. Cyclones from Pacific ocean - moves here More about cyclone - Arabian Sea Cyclones Cyclonic activity is comparatively less intense in the Arabian sea, as compared to the Bay of Bengal, where high-intensity severe cyclones originate frequently. In the last 120 years, just about 14% of all cyclonic storms, and 23% of severe cyclones, around India have occurred in the Arabian Sea. Arabian Sea cyclones are also relatively weak compared to those emerging in the Bay of Bengal. Gujarat coastline, where most of the cyclones emerging in the Arabian Sea are headed, is not very densely populated, ensures that the damage potential of the cyclones on the western coast is comparatively low.
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National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)’s ‘Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India’ report for 2015 there were 1,336,623 suicides across the country that year. Maharashtra topped (16,970) followed by Tamilnadu (15,777), exception being to UP (Most populous) on 11th list. as per the report 1/3 suicides are committed by young adult under age 30 and another 1/3 in 30-40 age group.  * World population day on 11th July. Every year 83 million more people gets added to population & Even assuming that fertility levels will continue to decline, the global population is expected to reach 8.6 billion in 2030, 9.8 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100.  As per UN ‘The World Population Prospects 2019 report from Dept of population of UN social affairs india will surpass china in 2027. However as per Eco survey 2018-19 india's fertility rate will decline drastically. * Sample Registration system (SRS provide data of death n birth) pointed that fertility rate is declining .it was ration of 2.3 in 2016 n 2.2 in 2017 close to replacement rate of 2.1. It also indicate that people want less children but son meta preference is high. * As per 2011 census, intra state migration is higher than inter state migration n it could be reason of people choosing place close to their home. Delhi has 40% people who are born out of state n Mumbai less than 30% , Bengaluru little over 17% n Pune over 10%. * 2011 Census data on Migrants – According to 2011 census UP & Bihar account for highest number of migrants in the country with 20.9 million people  which 37% of Inter-State migration. If combined UP, Bihar, RJ & MP total 50% migrants. UP is highest number of Out migrants and MH have highest in migrants. Between 1991 – 2001 accounts 55% migration and 33% in 2001 – 2011. Work and business being common factor for migration among men and marriage is for women.   * UN's International organisation for Migration report "Global migration report 2020" mentions Indian as largest migrant in the world with 17.5 mn people and highest remittance with $78.6 bn in the world. - US largest migrant n remittance sending countries followed by UAE n Saudi Arabia. - more than half of the migrants live in Europe or north America. - Largest migrants are from India followed by Mexico n China. - Largest remittance receiving country is India followed by China n mexico. Reason -  1. Internal conflict n civil wars. 2. Syria has largest displaced people due to internal wars. 3. Economic reason 4. Climate change N weather disaster.   *
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* Annular solar eclipse- when moon covers small part of sun n it's rim is visible. Total solar eclipse - totally covers the eclipse. Hybrid - sometimes cover full or partially depends where the observer is on the Earth. Umbra - core part of Shadow where it covers Suns lights on Earth completely. Panumbra - showed zone outside umbra area. Patumbra - light area start from panumbra zone. * Link btwn Atlantic Maridional Overturning circulation (AMOC) by a study. For thousands of years, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has remained stable but in the last 15 years, signs show that AMOC may be slowing, which could have drastic consequences on the global climate. However due to high precipitation in Indian ocean it may help to stop or delay the process Also known as Atlantic conveyor belt” — is one of the Earth’s largest water circulation systems where ocean currents move warm, salty water from the tropics to regions further north, such as western Europe and sends colder water south. * Uranium mining in Nallamala forest tiger reserve. Telangana state appose govt decision for uranium mining in Nallamala forest due to - - it will affect the environment heavily as the drilling would b around 4k deep holes. - chenchu tribes will be affected who live in Amrabad forest of nallamala forest. - water contamination due to uranium including nagarjunasagar dam. Uranium is major mineral n managed by Union govt under mines n minerals act,1957. Mangaed by Dept of atomic energy being a atomic energy. Uranium mining in India - singhbhum copper belt (jharkhand) , udaiour, alwar n jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan, Durg district of Chattisgarh, Bhandara district of MH n Kullu district of HP. Recently AP n Telangana btwn Seshachalam forest n sresailam. Use - fuel for nuclear reactor n radioisotopes for medical appliances. Nagarjunasagar-srisailam tiger reserve is largest tiger reserve belongs to nallamala forest. It also include Amrabad tiger reserve. Chenchu - AP , TN, KA n Odisha. * Vijayanagar - India's eastern most habituated village. Surrounded by Myanmar on 3 side.  Namdafa national Park- located btwn Myanmar and India.  only parked in the World to have the four Feline species of big cat namely the Tiger (Panthera Tigris), Leopard (Panthera Pardus), Snow Leopard (Panthera Uncia) and Clouded Leopard (Neofelis Nebulosa). Hoolock Gibbons, the only ‘ape’ species found in India is found in this National Park. * Saraswati paleochannel - Union Kal min has discovered Ancient Buried River” is around 4 km wide, 45 km long and consisted of a 15-meter-thick layer buried under the soil. It is discovered that this river has link with Ganga n Yamuna. It will help the ministry for groundwater discharge of area n cleaning of Ganga river. report has been prepared by the K.S. Valdiya Committee under the Ministry of Jal Shakti.   * Iran's new oil reserve in Khuzestan which is 2nd largest reserve of Iran after Ahavaz (capital of Khuzestan) Iran has 4ty largest oil reserve after Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Canada. It also has 2nd largest natural gas deposit after Russia.   * Recent study stated that an active and naturally occurring life cannot be sustained at Danakil, northeastern Ethiopia.  - due to magnesium dominated brines which cause cells to break down n high salt n low pH which make life very difficult. - It is lowest place in the world, 100 mtrs below sea level made due to evaporation of inland water body. - no water Comes out of danakil due to high evaporation n contains 10 lacs tonnes of salt. * Catalonia - was autonomous state b4 Spainish civil war 1936-39 but after milatry ruler Francis Franco he Suppressed catlonian autonomy from 1939-75.  Now it is semi autonomous region of Iberian peninsula of Spain in North Eastern part which ask for independence. But since it contributes 20% GDP n 28% export n rich textile, investment in high technology Spain doesn't give it independence. 2017 referendum account 94% people voted for independence but voter turnout was only 43% n declared unconstitutional coz of violence.   * Seismic zones are divided on the basis on modified marcalli (1-12 scale,consider damage also) by Beauro of Indian standard (BIS). 59% parts of the country falls under seismic zones. Zone 1 and 2 are combined which is why it doesn't get mapped. Total 4 zone from 2 to 5.   *
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* Manual scavenging - It is banned in 1993 through "Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act" but till now 620 cases have happened and out of which 88 occurred in past 3 years as per min of Social justice and Empowerment. Problems - Social stigma (they dont get job outside which make them to come back to manual scanvenging), Health issues (sometimes death) and no social records. Govt Initiative - SC in 2014 ordered 10 Lac to all state to identify all who died since 1993. any1 going against the law will be fined 50k.
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* Subhansiri dam is gravity dam- despite NGT order of not resuming subhansiri lower hydroelectric project concretization , high concretization work is going on which uses pressure instead of horizontal moving to generate electricity. High seismic activity is reported by IIT Roorky. Subhansiri is largest tributary of bhrahmaputra which originate in Tibet. Other dam projects -  Sardar sarovar dam is also gravity dam built on narmada river in Gujrat alleged to displace 2.5 lac villagers. Mullaperiyar dam gravity dam- on periyar river in kerla but operated n managed By tamilnadu govt, there is dispute btwn tamilnadu n kerla over night of the dam. Pollavaram project - under construction multipurpose dam on godavari river is alleged to Submerge chattisgarh n odisa. Kisanganga hydroelectric plan on jhelam river .dispute btwn India n Pak. *
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* Keeladi Settlement of Vaigai river (east flowing, cardmom n palani hills in West & palk bay n palk straits in the east) in Tamil Nadu of 6th century Of sangam age. Earlier it was believed to belong to 3rd century BC n contempary being IRON AGE n Rise of HETERODOX. - Animals were used daily essential items were made of locally available raw materials. Tamil Sangam was an academy of poets who flourished in three different periods and in different places under the patronage of the Pandyan kings. Literature Largely consolidated after 3rd sangam and talk abt regular life n secular aspect of life like polity,charity etc. * Recent study of DNA of Skeleton excavated in Rakhigarhi,haryana  study negates the theory of the Harappans having Steppe pastoral or ancient Iranian farmer ancestry. Also refuses the mass migration that happened during harappa times outside South Asia.   * Krisnapatnam port in nellore is named after Krishnadeva Rai. empire was founded in the fourteenth century (1336 AD) by Harihara and Bukka of Sangama dynasty. Their capital was hampi (1986- world heritage site) Important dynasty rules Vijayanagar empire 1. Sangama 2. Saliva 3. Tuluva - krishnadev Rai (1509 - 29) 4. Aravidu   * Ain-i-akbari written by Abul fazl in 16th century in Persian language. Abul fazl started writing Akbar nama in 1589 in 3 parts for 13 years. 1st part dealt with Akbar's ancestors. 2nd part mentioned the powerful rain of Akbar. 3rd ain-i-akbari dealth with administration n rich culture n stats any crops of that time.   * Mahabodhi temple - 1 of the 4 important places in Buddhism (lumbini - birthplace, Bodhgya - enlightenment, Sarnath - First Sherman, Kushinagar - mahaparinirvana). It is built by King Ashoka but it built entirely by Gupta period in brick structure. Present temple structure belongs to 5th or 6th century. Listed in World heritage site in 2002.   *
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