GS 3

Preeti Shukla
Curso por Preeti Shukla, atualizado more than 1 year ago Colaboradores


Energy SecurityEnvironmental Pollution & Degradation

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* International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT) ICAT is the premier testing and certification agency authorized by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways for providing testing and certification services to the vehicle and component manufacturers in India and abroad. It has the latest equipment, facilities, and capabilities to develop, validate, test and certify the engines and vehicles for the latest norms in the field of emission and many other facilities like crash lab, NVH lab, EMC lab and test tracks. Bharat Stage VI - Emmission norms for all vehicles from April 2020. lFacts A recent report by the World Health Organization revealed that 14 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are in India. As per the estimates of Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the automobile sector emitted about 188 MT of CO2 till 2010; road transport alone contributed to 87% of the emissions. India’s current oil import dependency is about 80%. According to the Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell, diesel and petrol contribute to about 40% and 13% of oil consumption, respectively.   Electric Vehicle - National Electric Mobility Mission Plan Faster adoption and manufacturing of Electric vehicle in India (FAME India) concerned about electric vehicle market building. 500 electic bus.  GOAL - by 2030, 40% of personal vehicle should be Electric vehicle. It wl help curbing air pollution by about 15% of the total transportation emission & about 30% of particulate matter. Challenges - Charging Infra (2700 station only accross country), Charging time, Expensive batteries, Import dependency, Localization and Electricity generation (mostly coal based.) Required Restrains - International energy agency said it will emmit more polluting chemicals coz of carbon-intensive power generation mix. Uniform Survey, instead of aggressive launch gradual reform should be adopted.   * Electric Vehicle - Union Budget 2019-20, Income tax rebates of up to ₹1.5 lakh to customers on interest paid on loans to buy electric vehicles 2.5 lac on entire loan period. Customs duty exemption on lithium–ion cells. Proposal to reduce GST rate from 12% to 5%. According to Economic Survey Electric market % in india is 0.06% (due to lack of charging Infra), China = 2% and Norway 39% (Leading due to Free parking apace & some park only Eco friendly vehicle allowed).  
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NAPA created under Section 171 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 just after GST came into picture for 2 years to look into the cases files by the consumer against the company which does not pass the profit and now it got extension of 1 more year as there are many pending cases. NAA Body - The anti-profiteering clause under the Goods And Services Tax (GST) Act mentions that any reduction in the rate of tax on any goods or services or the benefit of input tax credit must be passed on to the consumer by way of commensurate reduction in the prices of the respective goods or services. Any Profiteering can call for punitive action & cancellation of Registration. The orders of the NAA can be appealed against only in the high court.  
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RBI 2019 - 2021 vision - The Payment Systems Vision 2021 envisages achieving a ‘highly digital’ and ‘cash-lite’ society through the goalposts of competition, cost-effectiveness, convenience, and confidence. The need for a self-regulatory organisation: for the digital payment space, which can serve as a two-way communication channel between the players and the regulator. The organisation will also work towards establishing minimum benchmarks, standards, and help discipline rogue behaviour. * Govt has planned to reintroduce estate inheritance tax which was there from 1953 (estate duty act 1953) to 1985 (abolished due to double tax on wealth (abolished in 2016)) An report from OXFAM says that 58% of property in India is concentrated in 1% of population which exceed global average of 50%. Introduce to remove disparity in inequality n govt to HV more fund to spend for welfare. Concern - estate owner may not have money to pay n that wl lead to Distress sale n outgoing of capital abroad. Developed economy like UK n US also impose estate tax. * As per International consortium for investigative Journalist (ICJI) as many as 50 entities have been attached to any form of multinational companies for tax avoidance in MORITIOUS leaks. As moritios has low tax rate companies use this as tax evasion purpose n then routed the money through FDI in India. ICIJ has previously leaked PANAMA papers of Swiss for which it got pulizer price. Is is non profit org With global network of people n companies who work together on most imp issues of world n totally funded on donation.  
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* Selenium Selenium is a non-metallic chemical element, member of the group XVI of the periodic table. In chemical activity and physical properties, it resembles sulfur and tellurium. Selenium has good photovoltaic and photoconductive properties, and it is used extensively in electronics, such as photocells, light meters and solar cells. Graphene: it is a one-atom-thick layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. It is the building-block of Graphite (which is used, among other things, in pencil tips). Graphene is the thinnest material known to man at one atom thick, and also incredibly strong - about 200 times stronger than steel. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and has interesting light absorption abilities selenium-graphene–based catalyst in Fuel cell which is more efficient in terms of cost and performance. It also remains stable for longer than the usual platinum-based catalysts. Platinum as catalyst is very costly. * Glutamate dehydrogenase will be used as new biomarker to detect the maleria more accurately as earlier method used to was to check for "Histidine-rich Protein 2 (HRP2)," which was absent in many maleria parasite and left undetected. Devolped by ICMR- National Institute of Research in Tribal Health (Jabalpur for tribal health protection started in 1984 under MoHFW). WHO recognizes this as collborative partner 4 indegenous people health security.   * DRDO developed herbal LUKOSKIN for LUCODERMA/VITILIGO - Present remedies of vitiligo-like allopathic, surgical and adjunctive is either Costly or have side effects like Blister, Edema or Skin Irritation. Lukoskin, available in ointment and oral liquid form, has seven herbal ingredients having properties such as skin photosensitizer, anti-blister, anti-irritation, antiseptic, wound healing and copper supplementing properties, while the oral dose has been formulated to check the emergence of new spots. LUCODERMA/VITILIGO - is skin Autoimmune disorder (such as hyperthyroidism) which attack on its own tissues and white patches spread on Skin sue to lack of MELANIN (a pigment in Skin). Non contegeous and Life threatening and can affect IRIS, hearing ability and Sunburn. Facts - World - 1 -2%. India 4 -5 %. Some parts of GJ and RJ it is 5 -8%. * NASA in Falcon Heavy - i) Deep Space Atomic Clock ii) Green Propellant Infusion Mission   * Ozone -  Good Ozone: Ozone occurs naturally in the Earth's upper atmosphere (Stratosphere) where it forms a protective layer that shields us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays.   Ozone depleting gases like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), HCFCs, halons, destroy this protective shield and causes hole in the ozone. India had adopted the Kigali Amendment (aims to phase-down hydrofluorocarbons). Bad Ozone: In the Earth's lower atmosphere (troposphere) near ground level, ozone is formed when pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, industrial boilers, refineries, chemical plants, and other sources react chemically in the presence of sunlight. Surface level Ozone is a harmful air pollutant.  Government Efforts Shifting to BS-VI compliant vehicles from BS-IV. Shutting down of the Badarpur thermal power plant. Banning of garbage burning. Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP). Launch of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP). Setting up of a monitoring network for assessment of the ambient air quality at 779 locations, covering 339 cities in 29 states and six Union territories * Cosmic Rays - As per Scientific Reports journal,the "cosmic rays" are impacting earth climate by adding low-cloud cover and "Umbrella Effect". Cosmic rays  are Atom fragment from outside Solar system that rain down on earth in form of Nuclie (some are Helium nuclie other are heavier elements). most scientists suspect their origins are related to supernovas (star explosions).  
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Fuel cell (Selenium + Graphene to be used as catalyst instead of very costly platinum) Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert chemical energy from the reactants directly into electricity and heat. The device consists of an electrolyte layer in contact with a porous anode and cathode on either side. In a standard fuel cell, gaseous fuels are fed continuously to the anode (negative electrode), while an oxidant (oxygen from the air) is fed continuously to the cathode (positive electrode). Electrochemical reactions take place at the electrodes to produce an electric current. Advantages of fuel cell systems are: High operating efficiency is not a function of system size. A highly scalable design. Several types of potential fuel sources are available. Zero or near-zero greenhouse emissions. There are no moving parts in the fuel cell stack, which provides reliable, vibration-free operation. Nearly instantaneous recharge capability when compared to batteries. Limitations of fuel cell systems are: Cost-effective, mass-produced pure hydrogen storage and delivery technology. Fuel Reformation technology may need to be considered if pure fuel is not used. Fuel cell performance may gradually decrease over time due to catalyst degradation and electrolyte poisoning if pure fuel is not used. Comparison of the fuel cell with Battery  The lifetime of a primary battery is limited due to the following: The battery stops producing electricity when the chemical reactants stored in a battery runs out. When a battery is not being used, a very slow electrochemical reaction takes place that limits the lifetime of the battery. The battery life is dependent on the lifetime of the electrode. Advantage: A fuel cell is an energy conversion device where the reactants are supplied. The fuels are stored outside the fuel cell. A fuel cell can supply electrical energy as long as fuel and oxidant are supplied. Also, no “leakage” occurs in a fuel cell, and no corrosion of cell components occurs when the system is not in use. Comparison of the fuel cell with Heat Engine A heat engine also converts chemical energy into electric energy, but through intermediate steps. The chemical energy is first converted into thermal energy through combustion. Thermal energy is then converted into mechanical energy by the heat engine; and Finally, the mechanical energy is converted into electric energy by an electric generator. The process also involves moving parts, which implies that they wear over time. Regular maintenance of moving components is required for proper operation of the mechanical components. Advantage: Since fuel cells do not have any moving parts during operation, they are more reliable than heat engines and have less noise. This results in lower maintenance costs, which make them especially advantageous for space and underwater missions. The efficiency of fuel cells is not strongly dependent on operating power. It is their inherently high efficiency that makes fuel cells an excellent option for a broad range of applications, including automobiles, buses, distributed electricity, and portable systems. * Indian origin scientist invented to generate electricity, harnessing temperature differences to produce renewable electricity at night.  
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United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) - 25 Years (Collaborate with 2 UN institution - UNFCC & UNCBD) Theme - Lets grow the future together (India to host COP 14 (197 mem) in Sept 2019) - sole legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management.  UNCCD 2018-2030 Strategic Framework: It is the most comprehensive global commitment to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in order to restore the productivity of vast expanses of degraded land, improve the livelihoods of more than 1.3 billion people, and reduce the impacts of drought on vulnerable populations to build. UNCCD Impact Forecast-  Land & Drought: By 2025 1.8 bn people would go under extreme water scarcity and 2/3 people will be under water stressed condition. Land & Human Security: 135 mn people will be displaced due to desertification.  Land & Climate: 3 bn carbon annually can be restored if soil conservation takes palce   Goal 15 of Sustainable Development Goals(SDG), 2030 declares that “we are determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations”. India and UNCCD The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) also launched a flagship project on enhancing capacity on forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and Bonn Challenge in India, through a pilot phase of 3.5 years implemented in the States of Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland and Karnataka. Bonn challenge The Bonn Challenge is a global effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030. At the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) 2015 in Paris, India also joined the voluntary Bonn Challenge pledge to bring into restoration 13 million hectares of degraded and deforested land by the year 2020, an additional 8 million hectares by 2030. India’s pledge is one of the largest in Asia. * India hosted 1st tym UNCCD (COP14) in Delhi n revised it's pledge from 21 mn hectare to 26 mn hectare recovery by 2030. Delhi declaration -  - peace forest initiative of South Korea to address the conflict torn border area degraded lands. - drought toolbox - online website to assess n help drought affected countries. - initiative of sustainability, stability n security (3S) launched by 14 African nation to address migration due to land degradation - cooperation from youth n Pvt sec India proposed to setup Global technical support institute n seeks greater south - south cooperation * 
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Climate and Agriculture Issues - Rice production is going down due to adverse climate chage. Rice being imp nutritional food to feed the country can delay the SDG1 goal. United Nations' State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report 2018 states that due to climate change Hunger is increasing in the world. Maize, millet and Sorgum is more climate resilient and as against this rice is more vulnerable to it. Solution -  Alternate crop system will save water, soil from degradation and food availibility. Maize, millet and Sorgum can help in SDG1 goal. Awareness program about climate and how to tackle the food production issue and these alternative grains, often clubbed as “Smart Food”.. eg  India celebrated 2018 as the national year of millets. (Moreover, India's proposal to observe an International Year of Millets in 2023 has been approved by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)) ICRISAT which conducts research on six highly nutritious drought-tolerant crops, recently discovered important factors for heat and drought tolerance in chickpea. * International seed testing association founded in 1924. First Congress is being held in Hyderabad in Asia. produces internationally agreed rules for seed sampling and testing, accredits laboratories, promotes research, provides international seed analysis certificates and training, and disseminates knowledge HQ in Switzerland * Kisan credit card (KCC) - 1998 to provide timely credit support implemented by Commercial Banks, RRBs, Small Finance Banks and Cooperatives to farmers for their cultivation purpose later extended to non agri farmers too. Under KCC facility, Interest subvention is available for animal husbandry and fisheries farmers @ 2% PA at the time of disbursal of loan and additional interest subvention @ 3 % pa provided by NABARD & RBI. Fish, Poultry & Dairy Farmers (individual & groups/partners/sharecroppers/tenant farmers), Self Help Groups, Joint Liability Groups and Woman group are eligible under extended KCC scheme. * Nutrient based subsidy rate got approved by cabinet committee of economic affairs chaired by PM which was proposed by Dept of fertilizer. Fertilizer subsidy expenditure is 2nd highest after food subsidy n as it is dependent on import of petroleum the subsidy is required to b given by govt. However we should be force on domestic production n fertilizer use should go down as it is depleting the quality of soil health n fiscal health. The correct recommended ratio of fertilizer is 4:2:1 for nitrogen, phosphorous n potash but this is not followed properly. * Karan vedanta - new hybrid wheat variety also known as DBW-187 can be used where full irrigation facility is gud. High in protien n iron, resistant to yellow rust n wheat blast n high heat tolerant by Indian institute of wheat n barley research under ICAR.  * 
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MSME - UK sinha committee The MSME definition The Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are defined under the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 on the basis of capital investment made in plant and machinery, excluding investments in land and building Manufacturing Unit below 25 Lacs as MICRO, btwn 25 to 5 cr as SMALL and above 5 to 10 cr as Medium Service Unit below 10 Lacs as MICRO, btwn 10 to 2 cr as SMALL and above 2 to 5 cr as Medium However, the government is contemplating to change the definition of MSMEs.  Annual TO should be criteria rather than investment size No diff btwn Manufacturing and Service industry. TO of 5 (Micro), 25 (Small) and 250 (Medium). SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI), set up on 2nd April 1990, under an Act of Indian Parliament, acts as the principal financial institution for promotion, financing and development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector as well as for coordination of functions of institutions engaged in similar activities. PMMY The PMMY is a scheme launched in 2015 for providing loans up to 10 lakh to the non-corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprises. These loans are classified as MUDRA loans under PMMY and there is MUDRA bank. These loans are given by Commercial Banks, RRBs, Small Finance Banks, Cooperative Banks, MFIs and NBFCs. Under the aegis of PMMY, MUDRA has created three products namely 'Shishu', 'Kishore' and 'Tarun' to signify the stage funding needs of the beneficiary/entrepreneur and also provide a reference point for the next phase of graduation/growth.  Sishu - Upto 50K Kishore - 50K to 5L Tarun - 5L to 10L PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in association with the Ministry of Science and Technology has released the Industry-University Index assessing input-output relations between the education sector (Universities) and industries. India is at very nascent age with moderate score of 4.7 out of 10. Karnataka, Kerala n Gujrat has topped the list with 7.8, 7.3 n 6.7 respectively. This is due to India has no clear policy of linkage of industry n University. Bay dole model act 1980 if US should be adopted. * Initiatives/Schemes to Promote Technology in Textile Production- SAATHI Initiative:, Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme for textiles industry (ATUFS), Integrated Skill Development Scheme (ISDS), Power Tex India:, Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP) * PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry in association with the Ministry of Science and Technology has released the "Industry-University Index" assessing input-output relations between the education sector (Universities) and industries. India is at very nascent age with moderate score of 4.7 out of 10. Karnataka, Kerala n Gujrat has topped the list with 7.8, 7.3 n 6.7 respectively. This is due to India has no clear policy of linkage of industry n University. Bay dole model act 1980 if US should be adopted.   * Household consumer expenditure survey of 2017-18 released by NSSO every 5 years (under min of MoSPI). It also releases reports on larger picture such as health, education etc. NSSO and CSO (publishes macro economic data such as financial data (GDP) and inflation etc) got merged in 2019. This report is withheld by govt saying it has data quality issue.earlier same thing was done with unemployment data report as well.   * 
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Side Pocketing - Allows MF to seggregate bad portfolio in separate portfolio.  After IL&FS crisis SEBI has put up some rule which inclue to separate the Good asset from Bad asset. If a Debt instument is downgraded then MF is allowed to set up a Side pocket and will have same units of MF and user should not be allowed to Subscribe or redeem the MF. Thereafter MF have to list the units on Stock exchange to allow the user to either sell or hold the units and avoid risk. * RBI has allowed eligible borrowers to raise ECBs with a maturity period of 10 years from recognised lenders, except foreign branches and overseas subsidiaries of Indian banks for capital Expenditure n corporate expenditure. ECB is also allowed for min 7 year term for capital expenditure. * Money laundering is way of converting money made from terrorism, drug trafficking, prostitution racket etc to legitimate money. Recently prevention of money laundering act 2002, was changed Which empowers enforcement directorate to handle money laundering cases effectively. Now money laundering is made stand alone offence , non bailable cognizable offence, n expanding the ambit of proceeds of money laundering (directly indirectly asset created by laundered money). Enforcement directorate works under dept of revenue,min of fin enforces Foreign exchange mgt act 1999 & Prevention of anti money laundering act 2002. * Corporate affairs min has removed requirement of keeping 25% to 10% of debenture redemption reserve of the value of outstanding debenture issued by Listed companies, NBFC and HFC. Debentures are debt instruments used to raise capital from the general public, usually backed by the integrity and the creditworthiness of the issuer.  
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flood hazard atlas - By Odisha based on Historic flood Inundation using Imagery Satellite from the period of 2001 -18. Flooding in Odisha - Major River - Mahanadi, Baitarni, Subarnrekha, Brahmani and Rushikulya. Flash Flood - Due to  Vamsadhara and Budhabalanga rivers which runs of from Hilly area. The National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Hyderabad does flood hazard zonation based on the Past data in Flood prone area. Benifits - Risk Evaluation and reduction, Better preparedness and rehabilitation and Proper assessment of the area. * Ministry of Earth Sciences, the four ports — Diamond Harbour (5.16 mm per year), Kandla, Haldia and Port Blair — recorded a higher sea-level rise than the global average (india avg 1.3 mm/year) As per IPCC report - sea level rise is said to be linked with Global warming and Global avg is 1.8 mm/year.  
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* MANAV Project - By dept of Biotech + Persistent Systems (biotechnology company - PPP model) = unified database of molecular network of all the tissues in the human body and to derive a holistic picture of working of the human body. Similar project in 2016 - Human Cell Atlas project (by World leading scientist) * Researchers have produced a new class of antibiotics, known as class II Polyketides, by using robotics to engineer Escherichia coli (E. coli), a common gut bacterium. These bacteria mostly found in Soil. Antibiotics are chemical substances, which are produced by some microbes and can kill or retard the growth of other (disease-causing) microbes. * India plans to launch it's 1st HUMAN GENOME MAPPING PROJECT in next 5 years. It will involve scanning of 20k individuals of which 10k will b healthy n 10k deseased individuals for study. It is implemented by Dept of biotechnology,min of S&T. National center for cell science (tissue engineering or tissue banking in pune) will collect samples of microbiome from human gut and data would be accessed by researcher from National biological data center. * Genetically modified adea agypti mosquito is released in natural occuring population in Brazil. However unclear how will that affect the population of ades agypti whether it will spread decease among the mosquito or Make mosquito control more difficult. Ades agypti Is responsible for dengue (vaccine available but not approved in India yet) , chikungunya and Zika virus (vaccine not available for both). - The employed genetic strategy RIDL (Release of Insects Carrying Dominant Lethal Genes) was supposed to only reduce the population of the naturally occurring A. aegypti mosquitoes and not affect or alter their genetics. But the study has found transgenic genes in 10-60% of naturally-occurring mosquitoes. Also, the naturally occurring A. aegypti mosquitoes carrying some genes of the transgenic mosquitoes are able to reproduce in nature.    
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Start up Fund - Launched in 2016 to help Startup at early stage. However govt does not directly invest in Start ups but allocate the amount to venture capital funds which in turn invest twice the amount it received from govt in Startups. SIDBI manages the fund.  A venture capital (VC) fund is a sum of money that investors commit for investment in early-stage companies * Police Vacancies - * Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty org (CTBTO)- 1992 , HQ - Vienna. CTBTO runs the International Monitoring System (IMS) of 300-odd stations, which can sense vibrations, hear sounds or smell noble gases (such as Xenon, Krypton) ‘radionuclides’ (such as Beryllium-7). And global nuclear explosion. * T.N. manoharan recommendation for developing the secondary market for corporate loans - Widening the spectrum (earlier only bank n NBFC) now suggested even mutual fund agency , insurance company n pension funds can access. - online loan sale plateform, loan contract registry for buyer n seller. - self regulatory body - allow FPI to directly purchase distressed loan instead of going through bank which is working now. -linking pricing of all loans to external benchmark * India hosted 1st conference of Armed forces medical services AFMS) of SCO (India n Pak joined in 2017- HQ in shenghai) in Delhi to share the best practices of armed forces in milatry services organised by HQ Integrated defence staff. India's preparedness in Biological attack (antrax is commonly used)- early detection by Min of health n family welfare, Assessment of the threat by Min of home affairs with NDRF n Biowar by min of defense. * 16th session of Joint Economic Commission between India and Belgium - Luxembourg Economic Union is held in delhi. Started in 1997 is biannual event * 6th India China economic dialogue held in new Delhi. * Seven security forces in India under the authority of Ministry of Home Affairs. Assam Rifles (AR) -1835 Border Security Force (BSF) -1965 Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) -1969 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) - 1939, 1948 act Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) - 1962 National Security Guard (NSG) - 1984, 1986 qct Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) 1962 Black panther - Chattisgarh | Haund - AP n TN    * Assam rifles of getting merged with ITBP news - Assam Rifles was formed as a single unit called Cachar Levy in 1835 later in 1870 converted into Assam milatry police batallion with 2 more groups. These battalion after their service in WWI changed into Assam rifles. It is under administratrative control of MHA n operational control of min of Defense (it was after Chinese aggression in 1962 it was placed under army). * National crime record beauro's under min of MHA annual "crime in india report 2017 ( started in 1953)" - Delhi registered highest crime record with 1050 cases per lakhs population than national average 238. There was increase of 3.6% cases registration over 2016. - 30% rise in cases against state compared to 2016 max in haryana followed by UP. Max offenses were committed by Left wing extremist, north east insurgent, n terrorists. - Crime against women increased by 6% Over 2016. Majority of cases were of assualt by husband or his relative n then modesty of women. Max cases were reported in UP followed by MH n WB. - Bengaluru topped the list in metropolitan cities followed by Mumbai n Jaipur. - crime against SC has seen increase from 5082 in 2016 to 5775 In 2017. And crime against ST has seen decline from 844 in 2016 to 720 in 2017. * As per WMO proposal for establishment of combined Meteorological study n climate forcast by Meteorological dept of China Pakistan n IMD by regional climate setup. To help countries in Hindukush Himalaya region. HKH region spans Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.    
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Water scarcity, Forest degradation
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WWF in its report mentioned that india's 4 megacity is facing high water scarcity and in future also. Due to Over population chennai topped followed by Kolkata on 2nd and mumbai and delhi on 11 and 14 respectively. Cement Pollution - Cement pollution has a lot of chemical pollution which is around 7% of Global CO2 which is more than what trucs produce in the world. As to produce 1 Ton of Cement half ton CO2 is released. Alternative to Cement - Some researchers are checking on Fly-Ash to substitute or  cut the amount of clinker (a key raw ingredient) in the cement. Probelms - Greener forms of cement is costly than geopolymer cement (made from Al + Si - readily available in Fly ash and Slag). * bibek deboraoy recommendation on beekeeping development - ease of exporting honey, training n development should b given, national n regional infra, bee friendly Flora plantation, recognize honeybee as input to agriculture n landless beekeepers as farmers,recognition of bee culture as subject for advance research under ICAR. India at 8th position in the world china at 1st. India has capability to have 200 million colonies than 3.4 mn today * Acrndn to a recent study by 2050 airplane contrails wl emmit more CO2  than Aircraft of 2006 level n then that condense. This is due to cirrus cloud formation in upper atmosphere as new aircraft fly high above from Earth. This emmit nitrogen, surphur oxide, carbon oxide, black carbon n soot * Fresh water dolphin - Ganges dolphine (Endangered, CITES |)  1 of 4 types, other 3 being Amazon dolhpin (Pink dolphine), Indus dolphine (in india only in Beas river) and Yangtze river in China.  they use ultrasonic sound and doent live in water having current. * Blue flag certification started in french in 1985 later adopted by Europe in 2001. France established 'foundation For environment education (FEE non governmental non profit org)' for certifying Marina's, beaches n sustainable boat.  * Silk samagra scheme- it is implemented by central silk board (established in 1948 by an act) under min of textiles.  'Quality certification system' test the quality of silk,cocoon,raw silk ,silk products n entire silk production cycle. five major types of silk of commercial importance, obtained from different species of silkworms are Mulberry, Oak Tasar & Tropical Tasar, Muga and Eri. Apart from mulburry all are Vanya (wild) silk. * Spent Pot lining – is produced from smelting plant. Aluminum is extracted from aluminum oxide using Electrolytic cells called pots. This cells are made up of 2 steel lining (outer is refracted or insulating and inner is of carbon which acts as cathode for electrolytic cells absorbs Aluminum and Fluorides). After few years this pot lining is failed and called Spent pot lining. This Spent pot lining also known as Spent pot liner and Spent cell lining have high content of Fluorides and Cynades which is highly carcinogenic value and included in Hazardous waste material act 2016. Hazardous properties of SPL are: Toxic fluroides and cyanides are leachable in water. Corrosive – Exhibiting High ph value (1-14 scale, 7 bing nutral) and Reacive with water – Producing inflammable, Toxic and Explosive gases. * West Antarctica Ice sheet (WAIS) is currently largest ice sheet which is melting at high rate (melting rate is tripled in last quarter century or lost 3 trillion ice sheet between 1992 – 2017. Melting of WAIS will increase the ocean water level to 5 mtr (16 ft) even if we implement “Paris accord” which will submerge many small island cities like Hamburg, Shanghai, New York and Hong Kong. Recent solution to Protect WAIS collapse – Artifiacial Ice (12000 Wind turbine to pump seawater 4,900 feet up to the surface, where it would be frozen into “snow”) however it has its own disadvantages. * As per National environment engineering research institute ( 1 of 38 research institute of CSIR- under min of science and technology) has found that edible vegetables cultivated on yamuna stretch in Delhi is highly metal toxicated. Cabbage among vegetables contains lowest n spinach highest with 14.1 mg/kg whereas as per FASSAI set standard is 2.5 mg/kg. A study conducted by neeri in Feb 2019 was reported to NGT n NGT banned cultivation of edible food in yamuna stretch but this still continues. Prolonged eating of toxicated metal can cause cancer, mulfunction of brain n blood cells, lungs n other organ dicease etc. * Land Degradation - the TERI report titled ‘Economics of Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought in India’ stated that while loss of productive land for various ecosystems is a concern, a larger concern is the degradation of existing ecosystems. As about 30% of India’s land is degraded, so Govt is trying to merge existing Land and Water scheme to utilize these resources effectively and neutralize the Land degration by 2030 (i.e no addition Net loss of land by balancing equivalent gains in land). annual economic costs of land degradation and land use change in the country have been estimated at ₹3,17,739 crore (82% cost is due to Land degradation & 18% coz of Land change), which is 2.54 per cent of India’s GDP in 2014-15 and about 15.9 per cent of the GVA from agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors. Causes of Land Degradation – Population Encrochment, Climate change, Deforestation, Poor farming Techniques, Over irrigation, Urban Sprawl, Land use change, Soli pollution and Overgrazing. Govt Initiative- National Action programme for combating desertification (2001), Integrated watershed mgt program (IWMP), National Aforestation Program (NAP), National Mission for Green India (GIM), MNREGA,  Soil Conservation in the Catchment of River Valley Project, National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas (NWDPRA), Command Area Development and Water Management (CADWM) programme, Soil Health Card Scheme, Awareness programs, Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India released in 2016 etc. Mythylmercury - Researchers from IIT -hyderabad, Harvard University and fisheries n ocean Canada found that though there has been decrease in Mercury emission, concentration of mythylmercury varies in different species. It causes many deseases such as loss of hearing n visual ability, nervous digestive n immune system. also threat to development of the child in utero and early in life. Mythylmercury is different from ethylmercury which is used preservative in some vaccine and does not pose a health issue. Minamata convention -global treaty to protect human health and environment from adverse effect of Mercury. India n more than 140 countries have ratified the convention Biofules - hydrocarbon fuel produced from an organic matter in short period of time. Biofules can be solid (wood,bioplant and manure), liquid (bioethanol n biodiesel) or gaseous (biogas) Categories - First generation - made from food sources such as sugar,starch, vegetable oil or animal days etc. Second generation -produced from non food crop or portion of food crops that are non edibles n considered waste. Eg stem,husks, wood chips, fruit skin n peeling etc. Cellulose Ethanol n biodiesel. 3rd generation- produced from micro organism such as algae. Eg buthanol . 4th generation- crop that are genetically engineered to take high amount of carbon are grown n harvested * IPCC report of climate change due to land use report focuses on the contribution of land-related activities to global warming i.e how the different uses of land, like agriculture, industry, forestry, cattle-rearing, and urbanisation, was affecting emission of greenhouse gases Effect on environment- aridity, flood rainfall n draught, Reduced photosynthesis Effect on human- poverty, food production nnsecurity, migration, animal production (heatwave will cause more morbidity), Nutritional quality, food prices.   * IPCC 3rd report of 5th assessment report - The Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate -  Key finding - ocean temp has hightened by 90% since 1970. Since 1990 Marine heat waves has likely to be doubled. Glacier Melting - Himalayan meting of 220bn metric tonnes per year. Antarctica - 155bn my per year. Greenland ice sheet - 278bn mt. year. Mean Sea level rise - global sea level increases by 16 cm from 1902 to 2015 n 3.4 mm per year from 2006 to 2015 which is more than double from first 90 year of 20th century. Sea level rise is not uniform globally it differs regionwise.   * National animal decease control program - fully centrally sponsored against the foot n mouth decease n brucellosis n cover Buffalo,goat ,pigs, sheep. Govt aims to control the decease by 2025 n eradicate by 2030 through this program. * Waste Management Accelerators for Aspire Women Entrepreneurs (Wawe) Summit 2019 - by AICTE and Institute of waste mgt (Jaipur)  IIWM & AICTE will be registering the interested participants and will guide them to connect from Start-Up India to Stand Up India. The theme of the summit is: “Make your own bag * Greenpeace report on environment states that India is largest emitter (15% of total anthropogenic sulphur emmition) of sulphur dioxide (so2) in world with 5 out 10 worlds most sulphur dioxide emitting hotspot in the world. It is largely due to coal based power generation activity in India and abSense of FUEL GAS DESULFURIZATION (FGD) Technology in many coal plants. * Syngas (Synthesis Gas) is currently made from a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and is used to produce a range of commodities, such as fuels, pharmaceuticals, plastics and fertilisers. Scientist has invented an artificial leaf which will use sunlight to produce  (carbon dioxide + water). It is carbon nutral n doesn't release any more carbon to environment. * SAFAR (System of Air quality and weather forecasting and Research) under Min of Earth science provide real time update on pollution by measuring location specific air quality in the metropolitan cities also 72 hours before early warning system. Developed by Institute of Tropical metrology, Pune and operationalize by IMD. Pollutants monitored: PM2.5, PM10, Ozone, Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, and Mercury. It monitors all types of weather phenomena. * PPSW (Punjab preservation of Subsoil water) Act (2009) may have helped arrest the rapid decline in the groundwater table and aquifers, but it has contributed to the unprecedented deterioration in Air Quality Index (AQI) in the National Capital Region. As per this Act farmers were ordered to sow paddy after May which eventually get harvested in October (coincide with Diwali and western disturbances) with very less time for Rabi crop. This forced farmer to burn the Stubble in order to prepare the Land for Sowing. * International energy emissions report 2018 - - India's per capita energy consumption is 40% of global average. - India accounts 7% of total carbon dioxide emissions burden whereas USA accounts for 14%.   * IndAIR (Indian Air quality Studies Interactive Repository) by CSIR-NEERI (NEERI was created in 1958 under min of science n tech) - It is an interactive online repository to have all the research n studies available to everybody related to Air pollution.  It is first such repository contains research from 1950-1999 and related legislation from 1905.  * International Instruments and Programmes on Invasive Species Rio de janerio 1992 identified invasive species 2nd biggest threat to environment after habitat destruction. 1. Cartagena protocol 2000 - Potential risk posed by living modified organisms. 2. CBD - Article 8 (h) eradication or control of invasive species which threaten the environment 3. Convention on conservation of migratory species (Bonn challenge 1979) - intergovernmental treaty to Protect avian, Marine n terrestrial migratory species n also talk abt invasive migratory species. 4. Convention on international trade of endangered species - International agreement in 1975 - talks abt international trade in endangered species n also talk abt invasive species trade which is threat to Live animal n plants. 5. Ramsar convention 1971 - International treaty for conservation n sustainable use of wetlands. It also talks abt invasive specie's effect on wetlands. * Green wall of India - center ambitious plant to create 1400km long n 5km wide green belt from Gujrat (porbandar) to Delhi (panipat) Plan is based inspired by Africa's great green wall project running from Senegal (west) to Djibouti (East) which came into effect in 2007. Aravali is identified as one of key degraded zones to be taken up for greening under India's Target to restore 26 mn hectare of it's degraded land. In 2016 report from ISRO hasmd also indicated that land of Delhi, Gujrat n Rajasthan has already degraded over 50%.   * WAYU (wind augmentation n Purifying unit) developed by CSIR - NEERI which purify air in 500mt area n very energy efficient n  low maintenance cost. It purify the wind by 2 methods - 1. By diluting the air with less polutants. 2. By removing the Active polutants - eg. dangerous carbon monoxide to less dangerous carbon dioxide. HEPA ( High efficiency particulate arrestance) - It traps the Air contaminants in Fiber web n is able to capture 99.97% of particles that are of 0.3 microns   * Shola vegetation - Tropical forest saperated by rolling grassland found on Western Ghat. These are stunted dwarf tree reaching 25 to 30 feet's with double layered story closed canopy which doesn't let sun rays to penetrate. These are found on hills of nilgiri, annamalai, Munnar, palini, meghamalai, agasthyamalai in South and waynad, kudremukh, baba budangiri, coorge in northern mountains n mainly found in kerla, Karnataka and tamilnadu.   * 
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* Lunar evacuation system assembly (LESA) by ESA for astronaut rescue system. LESA unable astronaut to lift their crewmate onto mobile stretcher in 10 mins. Black hole - coined by American physicist John Archibald wheeler in mid 1960' is a point where the matter is so compressed as to create gravity field from which even light can not escape. Supernova - is explosion of star n largest explosion takes place in space. It takes place when there is change in core or center of star. * NASA's DRAGONFLY drone mission 2026-34 will fly to SATURN's largest moon Titan looking for prebiotic chemical (common to both Earth n Titan) Shangri la dunes, Organic dunes and Investigate atmospheric and surface properties * Ploonets (Planet +Moons) – new class of celestial objects which are orphaned moons that have escaped the bond of their planetary parents due to escaping gravitational pull of parent planet as per study through computer model. Scientists think these objects should exist in solitary orbits around their host stars and could even be discovered in observations from past and present exoplanet-hunting surveys, like Kepler and TESS. * Chandrayan is using Unsymetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine along with oxidizer Nitrogen tetroxide and called dirty combination. Elsewhere in the world Kerosene or liquid methane is used which is cleaner n greener (that requires cryogenic engine to keep the methane liquid and extremely low temp). * Bhabha Kavach (6.6 kg) developed by Defence organizations like Ordnance Factory Board and Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI). Expo was organized by Nexgen Exhibition in New delhi. built from layers of high-density, high-tenacity polyethylene, which are fused together at high temperatures to form a thick, hard armour plate, which is then sprayed with BARC’s carbon nanomaterial. The material used in the jacket are hard boron carbide ceramics, carbon nano-tubes and composite polymer (polymer made up of two or other types of polymer). * ISRO currently prefers to use a fuel called Unsymmetrical Di-Methyl Hydrazine, along with Nitrogen tetroxide for oxidiser, in its liquid fuel engines which is highly carcinogenic. Now it is proposed to use methane which is non toxic n higher specific impulse. Only disadvantage is that it has to use igniter for burning the fuel whereas hydrazine automatically fires after coming in contact with Oxygen.   * Def challenge 2019 - to showcase the occomplishment of iDEX works under Defense innovation organisation (funded by HAL & BEL) It has launched iDEX portal and Defence India startup challenge III (DISC III) ( III = challenge from navy, army n airforce) Focuses on indianization and Innovation with support of Atal innovation mission.   * ISRO’s weather satellites INSAT-3D (launched 2013) & 3DR (launched in 2016), is being used to monitor Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD). It gives whether report every 15 mins. It is used to monitor PM2.5 n PM10 which is high in India gangetic plain due to stubble burning.   *   
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Gs 3  conservation * Joint effort by tamilnadu ,Karnataka n kerla to eradicate Senna spectabilis an invasive specie in nilgiri biosphere reserve organised by NTCA. Also to conserve vulture population,Fire, human wildlife conflicts and wildlife related crimes. Radio collected animals details will be shared fir better coordination. Bandipur TR - largest protected area  and largest habitat of elephants in South asia came in being in 2007 at trijunction of kerla,Karnataka n Tamil nadu. MOYAR river meanders through reserve Nilgiri biosphere reserve - NAGARHOLE +MADUMALAI + WAYNAD. * 'JAL HI JIVAN HAI'  by haryana government to encourage farmer to adopt crop diversification n sowing less water consuming seed as with high consuming water crop,is depleting 1 mtr of water table evry year. Under the scheme 2000rs/acre will b given to farmer (registration 200 n later after sowing of seed after 2 month 1800 transferred to account) alsong with free hybrid seed.Produce will be completely procured by state * In calcification process lime is deposited n When rain water seeps into it is acted by bacteria n becomes hard calcified lime. Salabat Khan tomb in Aurangabad,MH is loosing it's shine n beauty like many other monuments in country due to this white deposits on its surface which is very hard to remove. National museum institute of history,art, conservation n meusology, 1989 conducted study n refered evenly becteria spray deposit for protection of organism can b used for both preserving n cleaning n filling cracks of the monuments also called as biocoating. * Zero day - Bengaluru,udipi n Shimla water crisis like cape Town.  Shimla -10k visitors daily on peak summer n requires 45 mn per day however due to scanty rainfall N snowfall water n drying up perrenial river came down to b 18 to 27 MLD Bengaluru- No inflow to netravati river has forced municipality office to Take hard decision for rationing. Udipi - Swarna river n baje dam main source of water, dead storage declared on dam which means Reservoir that can not b drained by gravity has to b pumped out. Supplying water once in six days * Puducherry desilt the canal n drainage with the help from locals for better drainage n avoid blocking the water logging in Urban area n provide water to rural area for irrigation. this practice started by pallavas n later cholas n french. Linking local through MGNREGA whr machinery is not required achieves both cleaning n livelihood to people * Desalination - Through reverse osmosis desalination plant reduce total dissolved solid (TDS) from 35k ppm (35 grms in 1 ltr water) to 200 - 300 ppm. Anything which is btwn 100 - 600 is considered as fresh water to drink. * Recent study by "Center for Cellular and Molecular biology's" (established in 1977 as semi autonomous org & later autonomous in 1981-82 under CSIR & also awarded as "center of excellence by Global molecular and cell biology network - UNESCO)  Laboratory for the Conservation of Endangered Species (LaCONES) research mentioned that 'Tourism' is causing stress in Tigers in reserves. However Female tigers are more stressed than Male but males are also in tremondous pressure. Researchers have used "fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolite (fGCM)" – a marker of stress in individual tigers. They collected fecal sample during Tourim and non-tourism period. * According to results of the Tiger census, the total count of tigers has risen to 2,967 from 2,226 in 2014 — an increase of 741 individuals (aged more than one year), or 33%, in four years. India has achieved doubling the tiger population before the set goal of year 2022 which was set in St. Peterberg in 2010. Need for tiger conservation – Tigers are at the top of the food chain and are sometimes referred to as “umbrella species" that is their conservation also conserve many other species in the same area. More than 80% of worlds tigers are in India.  Top Performers: Madhya Pradesh saw the highest number of tigers (526) followed by Karnataka (524) and Uttarakhand (442). Increase in Tiger population: Madhya Pradesh (71%) > Maharashtra (64%) > Karnataka (29%). Worst Performers: Chhattisgarh and Mizoram saw a decline in tiger population. Madhya Pradesh's Pench Sanctuary and Kerala’s Periyar sanctuary emerged as the best-managed tiger reserves in the country. World resource Institute’s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas listed india on 13th position on Extreme water crisis countries out of 17. * Baseline Water Stress (BWS) (i.e. water withdrawal) developed as part of Adequate water risk atlas shows that Irrigation, Municipalities and Industries withdraw more than 80% of water resources. 12 out of 17 stressed countries belong to Middle east and North Africa due to their geographical condition. India – northern india is also under water crisis 1st time due to ground water depletion. Consequences – Food insecurity (irrigation), Migration (Job loss due to water crisis), Financial stability (World bank- a large part of GDP will be spent due to this crisis) Recommendation – Water conservation, Efficient Irrigation and Water related data. IRDAI had also constituted a committee under Suresh Mathur that made many recommendations including a reduction in the net worth, expansion of the area of operation of IMFs, as well as the basket of products. * Vulture Conservation - 9 Species of vulture are found in India and there number is increasing though conservation. there IUCN statuses are - - Oriental White backed vulture, Slender billed vulture, Long billed vulture and red headed vulture - Critically endangered - Egyptian vulture - Endangered - Indian giffron vulture - Least concerned - Bearded vulture, Cinereous vulture, Himalayan vulture - Near threatened There are total 9 Vulture conservation n breeding center in which 3 are directly under Bombay natural history society.  * Uttarakhand govt to use bio fencing by growing lemongrass, and other trees to reduce man animal conflict. * Commission for conservation of Antarctic Marine living resources (CCAMLR) created in 1982 and Secretariat in Australia, Tasmania and Hobart. consent of all 26 members of the CCAMLR is required for the creation of marine park but China n Russia is blocking the same due to their fishing interest in Antarctic. * Asiatic wild buffalo ( Wild water buffalo) died in Wildlife sanctuary due to Anthrax and their status in IUCN book is Endangered and schedule 1 of wildlife protection act 1972 and CITES appendix III. They are direct ancestors of domestic buffalos and has widest horn span among all bovids in the world.  Pobitra wildlife sanctuary- Highest number of one horned rhinos in the world n 2nd in concentration after Kaziranga ( called as mini Kaziranga due to its same formation etc)  There are 5 national parks in Assam namely, Dibru-Saikhowa National Park, Kaziranga National Park, Manas National Park, Nameri National Park, Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park * Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus (EEHV) is a rare disease that cause internal bleeding among Asian elephant due to hemorrhage btwn 1 to 12 years. There is no cure to herpes virus for both human n animal. Can b fatal with short period within 28 to 35 hours. Symptoms are highly invisible such as Nasal discharge, Swollen glands n reduced appetite.   * Jal shakti min has recently constituted Water policy 2019 committee under mihir shah to give suggestions on effectively utilization of water by amending the water policy 2012. Water policy 2012 features- 1. Integrated water management - all basin, sub basin will b treated as one n managed combined. 2. Maintaining minimum ecological Water flow - minimum water flow must b managed ( Ganga water 2018 min water flow under this act). And min Potable water for community living in area for their needs in household reach. 3. Inter basin transfer - after based on environment n other impact study to help other state for human needs 4. Irrigation n industry uses   * Elephant safari is banned in Dudhwa national park (UP n Nepal border). Only place in UP where tiger n rhinos found together. It comprises of  Dudhwa national park throught which suheli n Mohna steam flows Kishanpur Wildlife sanctuary through which Sharda river flows. Katarniaghat Wildlife sanctuary though which Geruwa river flows. All of it are tributaries of ghaghra river.   * Clontridium botulinum bacteria Which releases dangerous toxin can be found in soil, rivers and seawater. Found in low oxygen n warm temperatures which cause mescular paralysis in any living being including human. Recently birds died due to this toxin in Sambhar lake RJ.   * 
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* RBI direction to store all payment data in India only within 6 months by all providers in case processed abroad should be brought back in 24 hours. Data includes - end to end transaction n info abt payment transaction. Customer data like name,number,adhar etc. Payment sensitive data like customer n beneficiary account details.payments credentials like otp n pin.transaction data such as origination n destination info. There is no bar on processing of data abroad if desired by operator n can b shared with overseas regulator if required with prior approval of RBI * Oxford economics report - 10% job loss in manufacturing sector in next decade.each new industry robot will replace 1.6 manufacturing job. Loss of job due to automation is also confirmed in future of job report by IMF. * Data n privacy - uidai established in 2016 under Adhar act 2016 under meity - voluntarily disclosure of adhar n uidaifund will be created to any charge n fees which used to get deposited in consolidated fund of India. Disclosure of adhar require secretary level approval instead of earlier joint secretary. * Agent Smith - Smartphone malware affecting 25 million android phone, including 15 million in india by replacing installed apps without user's knowledge and such as banking credential theft and eavesdropping. * Internet Saathi Program = Google india and Tata trust jointly launched “Internet Saathi program” in 2015 to train digital literacy to Rural women in the country. They then are known as “Internet saathi” who then train other women in the village. Progress: It has, so far, trained 70,000 ‘Internet Saathis’, who have in turn impacted 2.6 crore million women in the country. Impact: contributed towards bridging the digital gender divide in rural India - female to male ratio was 1 in 10 in 2015 and in 2018, it increased to 4 in 10 * JATAN – ASI have been digitized through JATAN software is virtual museum. Designed and developed by Human Centres Design and Computing Group, Centre for Development of Smart Computing (C-DAC under MeitY) Pune. (C-DAC) Pune has also developed “Darshak”, a mobile-based application aimed at improving the museum visit experience among the differently-abled. * IRDA (statutory body created in 2000 on recommendation of Malhotra committee 1999) allowed insurance company to use “Regulatory Sandbox” for Fintech companies. Regulatory sandbox is used to live test the product before mass launch. RBI also thinking of doing the same in Banking Sector. It will be useful as Data analytics (a part of Fintech) is an area which insurance industry can take benefit to serve their customers as India accounts for around only 6% of insurance premium in Asia and around 2% of the global premium volume. 1818 – Advent of Life insurance inindia.   * Semi-Dirac metals behave like Dirac metals in one direction and like normal metals in the perpendicular directions These are highly conductive to electromagnetic waves. These have thermoelectric properties (clean Energy technology) that uses waste heat to produce electricity typically in low Power application.    
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RBI released 19th FINANCIAL STABILITY REPORT which mentions indian financial system remains stable in backdrop of improving banking sector. Major global n domestic micro financial challenge -  lower global growth predicated by IMF n world bank, trade tension, current account deficit, subdued new investment * Just job index - Just job network with support from Azim premji University  based on 5 dimention - employment, formality, benifits, income equality n gender equality. State performance-  1. quality of employment- chattisgarh n AP topped. GJ topped in employment dimention but poorly in quality of employment. 2. Formal employment- kerla performed poorly with high rate of youth unemployment.UP n jharkhand performed worst mainly due to its informal Agri sector as well as wholesale n retail sector. Chattisgarh low unemployment rate but high informality. 3. Benifits to employee - J&K topped, other performed poorly. 4. Income inequality - MH & chattisgarh topped n kerla being worst. Kerla having second lowest number of poverty after Goa. 5. Gender equality- HP & Chattisgarh topped with UP & Bihar worst. Suggestion - labour intensive job creation , investment in human capital n strengthening labour market institution * Union budget 19-20, expanded RBI's power by bringing Hosing Finance companies  under its ambit after IL&FS crisis by proposed amending the RBI Act 1934. RBI can supersede the board of NBFCs  (other than those owned by the government)  remove and can further appoint the director of a board of NBFC. Can also remove Auditors. amalgamating, splitting and reconstructing an NBFC. * Economic survey 2019 -20 - Economic survey prepared by economic division of Dept of economic affairs under min of financa under overall guidance of cheif economic advisor. First economic survey prepared 1950 - 51. * SEBI got new power to act against entities destroying, n forging electronic machine n data n fine of 10 cr or 3 tyms more than unlawfully gain. * Utakarsh 2022 - 3 yr roadmap to improve regulation N supervision among central bank to avoid further IL&FS crisis. * as per recent report india to surpass UK to bcm 5th largest economy in the world in 2019 & with  $5.9 trillion in 2025 surpassing japan to bcm 3rd largest (However as per economic survey india has to have growth of 12% nominal and 8% real gdp growth a year to achieve the target) Factor sustaining the growth  are  Investment, Startups, Saving (saving of people in bank, bank to lend more to companies for investment) and Export. Challenges - Ease of doing bussiness (Contract enforcement @ 163 = Economic survey suggested to reform leagl system and hire more judicial office to wave off the pending hearings), Ageing and Infrastructure for growing population. * Complaint management system by RBI to address the complaint by customer under banking Ombudsman scheme 2006, ombudsman scheme for NBFC 2018 * RBI has approved White label ATMs to take bulk cash directly from RBI or currency chest as earlier white label atms (under companies act 1956 is totally owned n operated by min bank entity usually NBFC) were totally dependent on sponsor bank for cash. The move is taken by RBI to enhance the geographical access to ATMs in country * MH to be first state to adopt automated multi modal biometric identification system. AMBIS with facial recognition technologyfeature is an updated version of the Automated Fingerprint Identification System(AFIS), which has been used by Indian law enforcement agencies to search finger and palm prints. Can b used to identify a person through CCTV footage. * Unregulated deposited scheme bill 2019 Deposited takers are not registered with the regulator n running the scheme will b fined with 10 lacs or 2 to 7 years jail. Fradulant Defaulting company will be Fined with 5 to double the amount collected or 3 to 10 yrs jail. Repeated offenders will b fined 10 to 5 crore or 5 to 10 yrs jail. Dedicated court - will b heard by judge of not less than session judge, joint session judge etc * According to IMF report World economic outlook –July (Twice a year) India’s growth for year 2019 will be 7% and 7.3% for 2020 (0.3% less than last predicted) same as predicted by RBI, CEA and ADB. However india will be fasted growing economy in the world. Global growth has been forecast at 3.2% in 2019, picking up to 3.5% in 2020. emerging market and developing economy group is expected to grow at 4.1% in 2019, rising to 4.7% in 2020. Slow growth is due to Increase trade tension between US –China, Prolonged uncertainity of Brexit and Weaker than expected activity in emerging market. * Periodic labour force survey - Released by nsso ,mentions that 6.1% people n 17.8% young (15-29) are unemployed. Earning if Urban employees over rural and men over women are higher. 45% regular best salary paid are below 10k n only 4% are having salary above 50k while 72% gets salary if 18k as per 7th pay commission. Govt initiative- MNAREGA, PMGKY (min of rural dev) ,PMEGP (min of micro n small enterprises) &  DAY NULM (Min of housing b Urban affairs). * Finance ministry has released its 1st Time release study. The TRS is an internationally recognized tool advocated by the World Customs Organization to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of international trade flows. It is used to identify the bottlenecks in trade practices and taking measures to improve efficiency and effectiveness. It will also improve Ease of doing business. * Environment Clearing Process –  Govt Planning to reduce it to 60 days. Specifying Terms of Reference(ToR). Preparing Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. Holding Public Consultation * Min of MSME launched Enterprises Development center for developing cadre of indigenous entrepreneur in MSME. * RBI's Liquidity coverage Ratio for NBFC (Class 1 NBFC-ND is exempted from this which have no interaction with public n doesn't intend to). This will b in force from dec 1st 2020. 50% LCR would b high quality liquid assets & gradually becomes 100% by 2024.  * National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority NPPA is an organization under Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers which was set up in 1997 controls the bulk production,p Pricing n availability of drugs throughout india under Drug (Price control) order ,DPCO 1995. The prices are now fixed/revised under Drugs (Prices Control) Order (DPCO), 2013. Prices can not be raised more than 10% annually. Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) The CDSCO is the Central Drug Authority for discharging functions assigned to the Central Government under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act. Controls the import of drugs, clinical trial for drugs n certain licensing under central license approving authority.   * Govt planning to introduce policy to give rating to MSME based on Digital data. Current scenario -  1. Under served by financial institution 2. Credit flow 3. Availability to funds 4. Credit worthiness availability to lender   * DICGC (created by DICGC act 1961 n came into effect in 1978 after merging Deposited insurance corporation n credit guarantee n insurance of India LTD & fully owned subsidiary of RBI) - currently only 1 lac amount can b claimed which was revised in 1993. Damodaran committee on customer service in bank 2014 recommended 5 times increase in insurance due to rising income n deposited level. All banks including foreign bank have to get insured under DICGC with 10 paise per 100rs deposited held by bank.   * Small Financial Bank rules - 1. Paid up capital 200 cr( initial 100cr n can b extended upto 200cr in 5 years time span. Whereas for Payment bank it is 100 Cr. 2. 25% of it's branches in unbanked area same as payment bank. 3. 75% loans to priority sector whereas 75% deposit of Payment bank should be in government bonds n 25% deposited can b in other Banks. 4. 10% n 15% loans, of networth of individual n company respectively. Whereas Payment bank can't extend loans. 5. Resident individual or company with 10yrs experience in finance can opens SFB.   *   
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* FRAGILE X-ASSOCIATED TREMOR/ATAXIA SYNDROME (FXTAS) researchers from out Indore found that piperine which is found in back paper can be used to cure FXTAS Patients.  It is a late-onset disorder which happens after age 50 n worsen with age where it damage brain part which control movement n occurs due to axcessive precence of repeat RNA. * National center for Polar and Ocean research monitored that 6 Himalayan glaciers (Sutri Dhaka, Batal, Bara Shigri, Samudra Tapu, Gepang Gath and Kunzum) are retreating at the rate of 13 to 33 mm/year.  NCPOR has taken study in Western Himalaya in Chandra basin in Lahaul-Spiti (Himachal Pradesh) since 2013. NCPOR has also established a center at 4000 mt altitute in Sutri Dhaka named "Himansh". * Bio Fertilizer Capsules (1gram) - ICAR has developed a capsules which contain living organism in capsules. 1 capsules replaces 1 kg of Biofertilizer or 1 ltr of Biofertilizer.  What is bio fertilizer - consists of a carrier medium rich in live microorganisms.increases soil nutrients (Nitrogen & phosphorous) or makes them biologically available. Biofertilizers contain different types of fungi, root bacteria or other microorganisms. They form a mutually beneficial or symbiotic relationship with host plants as they grow in the soil. Benifits - Environment friendly, Easy to carry, Low cost and easy to use than chemical fertilizer. Increase yeild by 30% coz it adds Nitrogen & phosphorous to soil. Disadvantage - Cant replace Chemical fertilizer completely, Carefull handling of capsules, use before expiry, Proper soil condition needed (doesnt give effective result if soil is dry or hot & alkaline soil), If natural microbial enemies are present exessively.  
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* Locust - Large, mainly tropical grasshopper with srong power to fly large distance. Most devastating is Desert Locust mostly active btwn June & July. Locusts have a high capacity to multiply, form groups, migrate over (150KM), if condition favourable then can rapidly reproduce 20 folds in 3 months.  Threat to Vegetation - Adult : 2 Gm vegetation/Day, Small swarms - food = 35000 people /Day. If infestations are not detected and controlled, devastating plagues can develop.  Measures - destroying egg masses laid by invading swarms, digging trenches to trap nymphs, using hopperdozers, incecticides. FAO informs countries going to have danger. 4 species in india from pakistan - Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria), Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria), Bombay Locust ( Nomadacris succincta) and Tree locust (Anacridium sp.)  
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* NABARD report inter-state income inequality among the agricultural household in India is high. 85% of farmers hold less than 2 hectare of land and account only 9% of Profit while 15% Farmers accounts income of 91%. Punjab having 16020rs (Highest) & AP 5842 rs (lowest). As per Ashok Dalwai committee to doubling farmers income by 2022, Initial Land reform should take place wherein Landless farmers should be assigned Lands  & ownership to cultivators to achieve the target. * Aquaponics - Aquaponics is an ecologically sustainable model that combines Hydroponics with Aquaculture. Where both fish and plants can grow in integrated ecosystem. Fish waste is organic food for Plants (3rd participant is nitrifying bacteria which convert NH3 to NO2/NO3 fro plants) which in turn naturally filter the water for fishes. * Certificate of Origin - min of commerce & industry launched a common digital plateform for issuence of electronic certificate of origin.  
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* Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti (under directorate general of quality assuarance - under dept of production, min of defence. in 2018), a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed between the Intellectual Property Facilitation Cell (IPFC), Ministry of Defence (MoD) and National Research Development Corporation (NRDC), Ministry of Science and Technology to provide a major fillip to the ongoing efforts towards promoting a culture of Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Indian Defence industry. Mission has acheived to train around 12k personal of IPR and aiming to train 20k in 2019-20.  
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