Akhenaten Sources


Primary and Secondary Sources on Akhenaten
Elizabeth Clifford
FlashCards por Elizabeth Clifford, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Clifford
Criado por Elizabeth Clifford aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

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How to refer to this source Stelae found at a home altar - Akhenaten, Nefertiti and three of their daughters
What this stelae shows about Nefertiti - Potential co-regent, very powerful for a wife (same size as Akhenaten) - Chief wife (in most art of royal family) - Aten rays on her show her importance and role in the new religion (they are the only ones depicted under the rays of the Aten in Amarna iconography)
What this source shows about the Aten religion - Pharaoh and royal family worshipped to worship the Aten (only the royal family touched by the rays of the Aten) - New art style and iconography (sun disc and rays) - Worship in the home (home altar stelae)
What this source shows about the change to art - Sunken relief - Loving family poses instead of traditional iconography - Exaggerated physical features (pot belly, long skinny limbs) - Daughters shown in art (usually only Pharaoh and his mother depicted in traditional iconography)
What is this source? One of the colossal statues of Akhenaten
Who made this source? Bek
What this source shows about the changes to art - Greater exaggeration under Bek than Thutmose (later years) - Still some traditional iconography (holding crook and flail, nemes headdress
Allen's point of view on changes to the art style “All of these changes reflect Akhenaten’s emphasis on the visible, tangible, here-and-now rather than the more spiritual and timeless forms of traditional Egyptian art.” “merely an artistic convention meant to emphasize the difference between the royal family and mere mortals”
Evidence of Akhenaten's role in the changes to art style - Stela by Bek: describes himself as “the apprentice whom his majesty taught” - Rock stela at Aswan in which Akhenaten claims he taught Bek
What is this source? Wilbour Plaque
What does this source show about the changes to art style? Softening of the style from Year 9 onwards under new master sculptor Thutmose
What are these? Talatat Blocks
Who is putting these back together? Akhenaten Temple Project
What did these blocks innovate? Architecture - small enough to be carried by a single man. Increased speed of architecture and assisted in the quick building of Akhetaten
What is this stela? Window of Appearances
What does this stela show about the Aten religion? - The royal family were worshipped by the people in order to worship the Aten (Aten's rays on the royal family)
What evidence does this source provide about Nefertiti? - Nefertiti important religious and political role - equal size to Akhenaten and performing a role reserved for a pharaoh (potentially a co-regent?)
What does this stela show about the art style during Akhenaten's reign? - New pharaoh iconography - Elongated limbs - Exaggerated facial features - New royal iconography (chief wife not traditionally shown in art) - New religious iconography


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